B.J. Nottage to Walk With Pastors in Bain Town Saturday



14th January, 2011

As a result of the escalating incidence of violent crimes within the Bain and Grants Town constituency in recent years and particularly over recent months, and after the number of deaths which have resulted therefrom, the Member of Parliament for the constituency, Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, has begun a series of consultations with the leaders within the community, the intent of which is to enlist their assistance, participation in and support for a series of initiatives to address the myriad of social problems, which confront area residents and which contribute  to the problem.

These many social ills include the following:

•    Low educational performance
•    High teen pregnancy rates
•    Alcohol and drug abuse
•    Drug arrests among youth
•    Gang membership
Other key factors identified included:
•    Unstable family life
•    Low self esteem
•    High unemployment
•    Adult double standards
•    Lack of respect for law and order
•    Culture of indiscipline
•    Lack of appreciation for the rich heritage and culture of the Bain and Grants Town Constituency communities of Big Pond and Black Village, as well as Bain Town, Grants Town and historic Downtown Nassau

The first group, which has been consulted, is pastors of churches in the constituency. With approximately 40 churches within the constituency boundaries, pastors have an intimate familiarity with the struggles of residents, many of whom attend their churches and are strategically placed to address the many issues. After a series of very frank and fruitful discussions, pastors have made a number of recommendations, which are being organized into an Action Plan. This plan will form the basis for a sustained intervention by pastors, in conjunction with the M.P., to create solutions aimed at reducing to a minimum, the incidence of crime, violence, injury and murders within the constituency.

On Saturday afternoon, 15th January, Dr. Nottage and the pastors will assemble at the grounds of the New Victory Church of God on Hospital Lane and will hold a short prayer meeting, before conducting a Walk-A-Bout through some of the streets of the constituency. It is hoped to talk with residents on the streets, in their homes and places of business in order to familiarize themselves with the residents’ concerns and to better equip them to find solutions.

Dr. Nottage has indicated that in the coming weeks, consultations will be held with other community leaders, including the leadership of schools, youth groups, fraternal organizations, sports organizations and other social groups, to tap into their ideas as well and to solicit their support for this initiative.


  1. dear patrick (and i use dear advisedly), the hon. mr. nottage was born in east street. he has been a member of that community for 60 years. and, he is just marching? he should hand his head in shame. and, it is not about politics because he should take a page from the book of hon. obediah wilchombe and see how effective representation is carried out. bernard is a louse.

  2. I am saddened by most of the comments above.Bahamians are such pessimists and hypocrites. The MP is DOING something rather than sitting on his hands. We all decry crime and anti-social behavior but when someone attempts to do something that might possibly have an impact, we write the kind of drivel in some of the posts above. Quite frankly, I do not care who the pastors are, once they are attempting to do something.Stop the negativity… from the comfort of your perch you can write all the foolishness you want. But do the critics have a plan of action? We must also stop politicising this issue. The PLP is not the Government; the FNM is. And if one wants to politicise the issues the Government does not have a plan and is useless. Time will soon tell.

  3. If christian pastors in Bain town & across the length and breath of the Bahamas should hang their heads in shame, they are no example for the people of the Bahamas when they all are silent as the deaf, when corrupt pastors who do crimes then go before the courts and make a mockery of the Judicial system by dragging cases for years and not go to JAIL!!!

    Who these Gangsta pastors with no morals trying to fool again. These are the same clowns who are married to the police to fight crime and failed miserably now they come talking contaminated cholera fecieses to persuade persons to live corrupt christian lives…

  4. The myriad of problems in Bains Town has been exacerbated by the multicultural society that now exists there.This iniative should go a long way in assisting with easing of tension in this community.Like many programs designed for the inner city we finally have the reintroduction of URBAN RENEWAL in Bains Town.Hopefully Rev CB Moss will join hands with this group of Pastors and show the people that it is more than politics.I am privileged to be the first person to respond sensibly to this bold iniative as its more than politics.

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