Bahamas Crawfish Season 2015/16 Now Open after all the poachers have taken all the babies…

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The Department of Marine Resources wishes to advise the general public of the opening of the crawfish season on the August 1, 2014 to the March 31, 2016.

The Department of Marine Resources further wishes to remind fishers and all other members of the public that the harvesting and/or of undersized crawfish is against the law and persons are to cease and desist the practice of illegally harvesting these resources. Fishers are also cautioned against capturing egg-bearing crawfish as this practice further aids in the depletion of the crawfish stock in The Bahamas.

Fishers are to take note of the minimum size limit for whole crawfish is size of 31/4 inches carapace length. The minimum legal size limit on the crawfish tail is 51/2 inches length. All fishers capturing crawfish are required to have a measuring gauge to ensure that they are able to confirm full compliance with the legal size requirements.

Persons desirous of using an air compressor to harvest marine resources must first obtain a permit from the Department of Marine Resources. Applicants muss provide proof of Bahamian citizenship, i.e. a Bahamian passport, along with proof that they have received adequate training in safely diving while using compressed air. The air compressor permit allows the device to be used only between 30) feet to 60 feet and its legal use is to assist in the harvesting of marine resources from August 1 to March 31 inclusive.

Application forms for air compressor permits may be obtain from the website of the Department of Marine Resources at resources, at the office of the Department of Marine Resources, East Bay Street or the extension officers in the Family Islands.

Fishers are reminded of the important role the crawfish industry plays in employing thousands of Bahamians and contributing millions of dollars to the economy of The Bahamas. Compliance to the Fisheries Regulations helps to ensure that these benefits will be available for further generations of Bahamians.

The general public is advised to report all suspected violations to the Department of Marine Resources at telephone 393-1014, 393-1015 or 393-1777. All violators of the Fisheries Regulations can expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

You can find all of the necessary information at