Bahamas Leads Caribbean In Tourism Spending



Basking under the sun, It’s Better in the Bahamas, we’re simply the BEST! 


Nassau, Bahamas: When it comes to promoting its tourism product, the islands of the Bahamas is shelling out major bucks compared to other Caribbean nations, spending millions in one year alone, a CWNN analysis has found.

An examination of the latest Foreign Agents Registration report, released by the U.S. Department of Justice, found that the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism shelled out over $42 million in tourism in 2007, the latest data available from the US Department of Justice.

In the first half of 2007 alone, the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism spent $19,199,044.00 for the six-month period ending June 30, 2007 on conventions, familiarization trips, expos, trade/consumer shows, conferences, and seminars, according to the report.

And in the second half of the year, the Ministry spent another  $21,230,000 on the same type of promotion.

Ironically, in the same year, the islands experienced a drop in tourist arrivals – for both stop-over and cruise ship arrivals, according to Caribbean Tourism data from that year.

The Bahamas clearly outspent other Caribbean nations, according to FARA reports, with its spending totaling a fraction of the Caribbean Tourism Organization`s budget for the entire 2007.

The Caribbean Tourism Organization promotional budget was just over $3 million for the entire 2007.

The only country closet to the Bahamas` spending was Bermuda, which shelled out $9,918,181.11 for the six month period ending June 30, 2007 and $12,059,959.67 for the six month period ending December 31, 2007.

The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism was right behind, spending $7,227,179.61 for the six-month period ending March 31, 2007 and another $6,465,052.01 on advertising and public relations services for the six-month period ending September 30, 2007.

The British Virgin Islands Tourist Board reported spending of $824,784.10 for the period ending October 31, 2007 while  Barbados reported spending for 2007 to the tune of  $3,273,769.14. The St. Lucia Tourist Board said it spent $222,672.95 on expos and trade shows in 2007.

Jamaica Tourist Board did not report its tourism advertising spending but said it spent $417,948.18 for the six month period ending September 30, 2007 and $547,385.82 for the six month period ending March 31, 2007 for public relations services that included disseminating press releases to travel, trade and consumer lifestyle media and to national and regional newspapers in the United States and engaging in media relations, special events, and crisis communications.


  1. These are some heavy dollars being exhausted to market our tourism product. Just bear in mind that this is our monies that government is spending to get tourist to come to our shores. We must each see ourselves as Ambassadors of this country, regardless if we work directly on indirectly in the tourism sector. It is our duties to make sure that visitors have an enjoyable stay whenever they are in the Bahamas. The only way we can respect and appreciate our guest is if we learn to have respect and appreciation for each other. Remember the saying goes, “Courtesy begins at home“. Until we are able to show love and kindness to one another we will not be able to extend it to the rest of the world.

  2. The only way we get make sense of the nubers presented is to compare them with the revenue they produced. I am sure those figures must be somewhere in the mix. Tourism automatically drops when there is a catastrophe in the area or in this case a recesson and when business recedes that is the time advertising is most important. Of course, no amount of advertising will bring tourists to this country if we keep giving poor service and present ourselves as persons who have little regard for our own environment.

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