Bahamas Office of the Attorney General & Ministry of Legal Affairs Farewell Reception‏

Attorney General Senator the Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson, right, gives remarks and presentation to Mrs. Vinette Graham Allen, former Director of Public Prosecutions.

The Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Legal Affairs held a farewell reception for Vinette Graham Allen former Director of Public Prosecutions, August 15, at the Paul Adderley Building, during which Senator the Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson, Attorney General, gave remarks and made a presentation to Mrs. Graham Allen. The Attorney General in a statement wished Mrs. Graham Allen Godspeed in her future endeavours, and acknowledged and thanked her for the significant contributions that she has made to the administration of justice.

Vinette Graham Allen gives remarks. Also pictured are, from left: Pastor, Dr. Myles Munroe; Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs the Hon. Damien Gomez; and the Attorney General Senator the Hon. Allyson Maynard Gibson.
Staff and well-wishers at the reception.