The Local Press Club Holds Despicable Awards!


Perhaps the event was all to glorify those who did everything to destroy the Bahamas!

The JOKERS in the WUTLESS Media which no one reads these days.
The JOKERS in the WUTLESS Media which no one reads these days.

Nassau, Bahamas — The Bahamas Press Club should join the Flamingos of Inagua and sleep with its head under its wing in utter shame. The Press Club Shameless Awards were held on Saturday night. Not only was it literally oversold, but it was also hyped up to be some earth-shattering event, which turned out to be a real snoozer and an INSULT to the nation’s leaders in journalism.

For weeks the so-called press was very vocal about the Press Awards and how good it was going to be while showcasing the faces of Eileen Carron and Ken “Six” Francis who were to be honored (Ken posthumously). The public looked forward to the “much anticipated” event. Because of the vast publicity, many members of the curious public tried to get tickets, last minute, but were told the event was SOLD OUT. Sold out?!

BP came to a screeching halt when it heard the words SOLD OUT because, to BP, anything related to the WUTLESS PRESS in this country could NEVER be sold out. So we, in its curiosity, decided to go to this WUTLESS PRESS AWARDS event to see what we could see, sea, at da bottom of de ocean, see, sea.

To our amazement the place was decorated like the inside of a coffin, and so we became instantaneously afraid. The dying dinos decorated to their theme.

BP became even more afraid when it realized it was at a RACIST event! The Wutless Media basically called a dress up “TOWN MEETING” to glorify a KNOWN RACIST who has done nothing but OPPRESS black people for decades, while spreading lies and misinformation in that daily dinosaur called a newspaper. Every BLACK person in the employ of this heartless racist NEVER rose to any position of leadership in that country. This heartless woman once fired a young mother because her child was sick and, because she had to take the child to the doctor, she could not go on her assignment.

The racist’s family and followers were all present and accounted for, paying homage to this now aged tyrant, but BP noticed the total and complete absence of Ken Francis’ family and friends and wondered what happened to dem? Ken, served at the Nassau Guardian for decades, has a huge family and extended corporate/sports family. NONE WERE THERE! Could it be that they, in protest of something, decided NOT to attend? Could it be that they were not going to descend to the lie being now crouched up by the Press Club to have the nation believe those on Shirley Street were in anyway in support of the building of the nation!? Could it be that they were not notified because the focus was on the “racist” and her followers? And therefore the family was not contacted nor accommodated with and no preparations made to receive them? Inquiring minds want to know!


All BP could see in the room were TEETHS. Everyone’s pearly whites were exposed as da WUTLESS MEDIA skin dey teet saying, “Yessah, Massah” to the old racist as she and her crew made a mockery of them between clenched teeth. Just pitiful!

BP was appalled by what it saw but became even more curious when it saw all the HAS BEENS that were gathered in the room, claiming to be organizers of this pathetic event. Clearly the old racist and her crew wrote a BIG CHECK that was deposited in the HAS BEENs accounts! So the over rated event was really to put money in their pockets and in return public adoration to one of the meanest bullies in the country. WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS!!??

WHEN will our black people stop honoring our oppressors? When will they learn that we are now FREE.?

We report! Yinner decide!

Kenneth Francis C. B. E.  recieving an award from Former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham at the 25th Anniversay of independence. Current Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie looks on.
Kenneth Francis C. B. E. recieving an award from Former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham at the 25th Anniversay of independence. Current Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie looks on.

