Bahamas Press REPRINTS this August 15th, 2008 article


tommy-turnquest<<< Tommy Turnquest, Minister of National Security.

Nassau, Bahamas: This is what happens when justice collapses in a country. Tommy Turnquest on Wednesday, went out of his way to say, murder, robbery and overall violent crimes are down in the country. When we assess this statement, what is true is this. Yes, murder is down because many murders are still unclassified, like the murder of a young man whose shoes was on his feet but head was off his body in the South Beach canal. And yes robbery is down, but perhaps the minister referred to robberies committed by members of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Because when we last checked, in the last three months, three major banks have had OPEN DAYLIGHT DARING ROBBERIES, Scotia Bank East Street, Commonwealth Bank Blue Hill Road and Scotia Bank in Andros. That had not occurred in The Bahamas in years! And if the banks are getting robbed in the middle of the day, “CAN YOU IMAGINE!” the homes and persons getting robbed at night?

But the minister says what is scripted for him to say, and yet still again the shadow minister of national security in the PLP says not a word. We remind our readers when statements go unchallenged like these, scripted to deflect the true CRISIS STATE in our country, we are NOT a practising democracy!

Bahamas Press therefore presents today the story of Rwanda, which proves what can happen when CORRUPTION gets out-of-hand in a nation. Here is an example of what occurs when files go missing in the police prosecutions department, shredded and nothing is done to protect the innocent.

Here is what happens when rape can occur in a public school and the minister, the commissioner of police and administrators at Queen’s College do nothing. Here is what happens when police rob resident workers and some are assaulted and beaten and nothing is done about it.

Here is what occurs when CORRUPTION gets soo bad that drugs dealers, guns runners and gangs transact their illegal business dealings right in front of the Commissioner of Police office in downtown Nassau –Prison Lane to be exact – and nothing is done.

Here is what happens when police officers allow known drug smugglers – wanted for crimes  – to walk right out of the prison cells here in the Bahamas. The guilty officers – who facilitated their escape – are transferred to do the same CRIME at another police station.

In this video below this is what happens when a country becomes STEEP IN CORRUPTION AND CULTURED IN WICKEDNESS, and the result is that good men standby and do nothing! Bahamas Press presents the ‘Ghost of Rwanda’ a true story of the 1994 genocide where 800,000 people were massacred by their fellowmen, as the world watched and did nothing.


  1. BP you won this one, but I’ll get back to you on this.I’m sure there were members that had and have worst attendece than The great MOTHER.Let not hit her to hard remember her husband is not doing well.Is she the shadow minister for national security.

  2. @Dibbles
    Her attendance records is one of the worse. THAT IS A FACT!
    And if she has said something about the CRIMINAL SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY, can you please point us to it. DID SHE SPEAK IN THE MID-TERM BUDGET?

    What did she say? When did he say it? Direct us point us to it and we would retract our comment DIBBLES!


  3. Bp,you did mention in your paragraph that the Shadow Minister for the PLP did not say anything,to the statment what the Minister of National Security said. I totally disagree with you BP that MOTHER PRATT record was the worse in the whole paliament.You gat to be kidding,you check the records.

  4. @Dibbles
    The SHADOW MINISTER??? I never knew the PLP had a Minister, much less a shadow one. Mother Pratt has one of the worse records in the whole Parliament! I would not call her the Shadow Minister. The Minister of MIA perhaps is a better title.


  5. Who is the shadow minister in the PLP for the Ministry of National Security.Help me with this one BP.

  6. BP thank you for this video.I watch all 12 chapters and it was an eye opener.JULY 19 1994 -OCTOBER 26 1994,100 days genocide where 8000,000 people were killed.I pray to GOD that this would never happen again.

  7. The United States has no friends.The united states only has intrest,and if the intrest is in your country then they would help you.If not Dog better than your country.Another statment that was made in the video IF YOU WERE WHITE YOU WERE ABLE TO LEAVE RWANDA BUT IF WERE BLACK YOU HAD TO REMAIN AND BE KILLED.

  8. I strongly concur with the statement that the laws of the Bahamas seem to encourage the criminal element. The wheels of justice turn too slowly in the Bahamas. Consequently, you will find that many criminals are repeat offenders that are granted bail which is somehow easily met, and they are released to continue to hold no regard for the the sanctity of life and/or the property of others.

    Look at the number of young men that would rather be on the street corners than completing their education. These are the young men and sometimes women that are robbing our homes while we work hard to make a living. These are the young men and women dealing drugs and committing rape and murder and what have you. If caught, they have their day in court and nothing is done. The only people benefitting are the lawyers because the crime rate is high. Even higher than that is the rate of recidivism in this country. Tommy Turnquest, and in fact the FNM, has done nothing to effective target crime and the criminal element.


    DPP tackles cop cases – Llewellyn vows to clear pile-up of BSI files by April-May

    Pushing to clear the backlog of files received from the Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI), Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Paula Llewellyn has instructed detectives to arrest 14 of their colleagues for criminal offences, ranging from murder to assault.

    An inspector and a corporal, two of the 14, have since appeared before the court.

    “We have never seen anything like this before. This is the first time we have seen so many files returning from the DPP’s office. She is really delivering,” Assistant Commissioner of Police Granville Gause told The Gleaner last Thursday. Gause is the officer in charge of the BSI.

    The corporal, Christopher Lloyd Thompson of the Linstead Police Station in St Catherine, was remanded until Friday when he is to return to court. He has been charged with the murder of Randeen Hall, who was killed in a controversial incident three years ago in Linstead, St Catherine. The shooting sparked massive protests in the rural town for several days. Residents claimed Hall was gunned down in cold blood.

    Apart from the 14 who are to be charged criminally, the DPP has also ruled that 52 police personnel are to face the Coroners Court in connection with a wide range of other incidents.

    “Since January, the DPP has ruled on 68 files, some of which dated from as far back as 2002,” said Gause.

    The officer argued that there were still another 270 outstanding files at the DPP’s office awaiting ruling. In addition, his team of detectives is looking for 23 more police personnel to execute warrants on them.

    Gause said he had since located the whereabouts of two of them and has requested the assistance of the relevant authorities to have them extradited to Jamaica.

    The Gleaner understands that among the outstanding files are some controversial cases which had attracted widespread public attention. However, while some of the policemen involved in these shootings might have forgotten about them or are relaxing, Gause has warned that “it’s never over until it is over”.

    He stressed that the BSI was now experiencing a 60 per cent increase in its clear-up rate. Gause has also requested assistance to increase the number of investigators at the office.

    “Right now, we have about 23 investigators, each of whom are asked to take on between 50-75 cases,” he said.

    Commenting on the number of files that she has returned to the BSI, the DPP explained that it is a work in progress.

    Working very hard

    “With the support of staff, I have been working very hard to clear the backlog of files,” said Llewellyn.She is aiming to clear the backlog by April/May and then improve the turnaround time for files sent to her office. If everything works according to her plan, the maximum time a file should spend at her office is three months.

    “There are some urgent files which we took a day or two to complete. There are those cases but, since March last year, I have ruled on about 40 cases involving police personnel and anti-corruption breaches,” the DPP told The Gleaner on the weekend.

  10. The law in this country seems to be more beneficial to the criminals. That’s probably why many of our youths have decided to go down that path.

  11. We at Bahamas Press hope residents are waking up and seeing what we are talking about in this post. Just tonight, ZNS reported how a couple was almost hacked to death outside their home over the weekend. Their attacker was a machete welding thief here in the Bahamas!

    We as a people cannot be so numb to the evil that lurks around us that we are not willing to DEMAND PUNISHMENT OF THOSE WHO BREAK THE LAW!


    Bahamas Press/Editor

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