BP reveals the Deputy Leader Designate for the DNA and its hidden executive team


Branville along with his family.

Breaking News TONIGHT! Entire McCartney Family on DNA Executive Committee

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is standing guard tonight outside the DNA headquarters on Prince Charles Drive, just above the Kentucky Store, where sources in the position to know confirm to us, attorney and former Bar Council President, Wayne Munroe, is set to be declared Deputy Leader of the Party.

Sources also reveal Munroe will be declared the DNA’s standard-bearer for Mount Moriah. He will come up against FNM incumbent Tommy ‘jug head’ Turnquest and PLP newcomer already ahead in the polls, Arnold Forbes.

This revelation along with others tonight suggests, the Party has stepped up its game on getting ready for elections and this weekend will name 10 more candidates for the upcoming general elections.

Among that list of candidates to be named is the Mayor of Fort Charlotte, Steve McKinney, who also heads the Party’s public relations division and is a founding member.

McKinney will battle with FNM Vincent Vanderpool ‘Verbal Diarrhea’ Wallace and PLP newcomer Andre Rollins. Rollins is said to be carrying the popular vote already even before the players are officially named and is already on the ground.

Information also supplied to Bahamas Press from the steps of the Colonel Saunders operations, tonight where the Young Democrats elections are being held reveals, the hidden sacred mystery of players behind the DNA.

A new flim flam on the blocks, Captain Randy Butler with Job Seminars? Or was it another DNA event in secret collecting people names and numbers?

They are: Mark Humes, Anna Degregory, Vivia Graham, Dr. Jonathan Rodgers, Steve Mckinney, Patrick Paul, Jeffery Davis, Shema Poitier, C. Allen Johnson, Maggie Colebrook, Branville McCartney, Lisa McCartney [WIFE], Kurt McCartney [Brother], Cyd McCartney [SISTER], Kemia Demeritte, Roscoe Thompson III, and Roscoe Dames.

Meanwhile, Bahamas Press was also advised, Captain Randy Butler, the man who held a DNA job seminar a few weeks ago and hired not a soul, will be the Party’s standard bearer in North Andros. Things that make ya go hmmmmm!

No word has come about The Hammer, Rodney Moncur. Not a whisper has been uttered of any future nomination for him. Hammer disbanded his Workers Party to join the DNA, however, not one member of the DNA attended his magnificent march for justice last Saturday, in spite of their claims to be in favour of hanging. And despite two persons being murdered the night before the march.

This week the FNM operatives in the DNA, who appears to control the Party’s apparatchik, rejected two former PLPs.  We understand the Party will reject all with PLP leaning and embrace those with FNM credentials. WE WONDER WHY?


The March For Justice over the weekend boycotted by the DNA. Photo by Rodney Moncur.


  1. Don’t know what Bran’s thinking. Right now, Bahamians are tired of these politicians who only looking out for their cronies and family members. He gat all he family mixed up in this thing, done starting off wrong. No, Bran this aint a good thing.

  2. Went to another site the FNM’s attacking the DNA, come to this site and the PLP’s attacking the DNA. Something both the FNM and PLP are opposed to must be goo for the country, think I will register to vote after all.

    • If you see these valid criticisms as attacks then you need to check your logic. If in fact these people listed are his advisors then they have opened themselves to scrutiny. No one forced them to be a part of the selection committee. So they need to suck it up and stop whining about attacks. This is politics and the criticism is just beginning for this party if they are going to be around for the long run. The point people are making though is that it is unwise to have too many members of one family on any selection committee. Whether it be PLP, FNM, DNA, the church etc. I don’t think its unusual for politicians to receive advise from family or friends. But it is not sensible to have your brother, sister and whoever else directly involved in the operational structure of a campaign. That being said, I am not sure that the information on the list is correct. But generally speaking its not a good idea to do this. So go register Paul, because its sounds like you are confused about the business of politics.

  3. i hope bahamians have enough money save to last for five years if the dna win b/c if things don’t go as plan yall ga shit. that’s like picking up a stranger on the road and telling him to fly yall to miami all i could say plp’s don’t fall for this shit vote for who and what ya know. plp all the way!!

  4. I am so happy, now I have a relative in all the political parties in this country,the Tarpum Bay connection is quite strong.If the elections were called today which party will I go with having three cousins in the race?

  5. You know whats funny BP. I wonder what the cables saying about whats going on in the Bahamas now. I think it goes like this: The people of The Bahamas are clearly disillusioned with the dictatorial style of the Prime Minister H. Ingraham. The departure of Mr. Branville Mcartney, Minister of State for Immigration makes one assume that all is not well within the hierarchy of the party. Mr McCartney has gone so far as to begin a third party that appears to be gaining traction with the Bahamian populous. Despite the governing parties efforts to implement programs and policies in this election season. Bahamians by and large appear to be dissatisfied with the leadership being provided by this present administration. The general consensus among the younger populous of Bahamians is that both the major parties are not prepared to meet the demands of an advancing nation. The Prime Minister Mr. Hubert Ingraham and the Leader of the Opposition Mr. Perry Christie, both in the twilight of their political careers recognize that change is inevitable. Yet both appear to be mustering a last call for leadership.If Mr. McCartney succeeds in gaining several seats in parliament it is suspected that the political climate in the Bahamas will most certainly change. The implications of such an event is to be closely observed in order to ensure continued support and cooperation conducive to U.S. foreign policy.

  6. So Bran (lawyer) and Munroe (lawyer) wil be the guys leading the way for the DNA??? i thought we or shall i say they were tired of lawyers leading the country. Talk about mix up!!! And what is goin on with the PLP havent heard a nomination in couple months now. Lets get this train moving again and start the rallying up the troops. WE HAVE A COUNTRY TO GAIN BACK HERE!!!

  7. @ ninja
    Be a little more sensible because clearly you are not aware that our previous PM The late LOP, Current PM, and the Leader of the Official Opposition (PLP) and his Deputy Leader, are all lawyers. So in a nut shell, Wayne Munroe is no different than the rest of them.

  8. They may be the face of the DNA, but now show the hidden agenda; those who’re financing this so called party. I am now questioning Bran’s religion; what dose he believe? What “FAITH” he practices,or he’s like his papa without God,the Bahamas can’t handle another pagan king. Show the Bahamian people who is financing this new Devil Name Agnostic, who’s agenda is to indoctrinate our children.

  9. Yup it is dangerous to have your family so intricately involved in politics. He might have them as private advisers but none of them should be on the selection committee with such a public view. Further, none of the people listed with the exception of Dr. Rogers in my opinion have any sound policy planning capacity. Over the years I’ve listened to the doctor and he really has some excellent policy plans that can further this country. But its one thing to make policy, its another thing to implement them. The Bahamas i’m afraid is dysfunctional on every level. The corruption is rife.
    Mr. Mortimer with the whole ELA thing is a prime example. He has the gall to say that he sees nothing wrong with a company with which he is affiliated receive a contract from the ELA from which he is the chair. That is a clear conflict of interest and he should have disclosed those interests to the board at the signing of such a contract or resign. At the moment the PM should demand his resignation post haste. A MATTER OF TRUST INDEED!

  10. Is this a family reunion or what ? As for the ‘so called Mayor’ of Ft.Charlotte, i doubt you will get your deposit back ! Rodney Moncur, I’m looking for you to explode on the half-ass party SOON !

  11. Randy Butler will not get his deposit back, mark my words!

    Every time I see Wayne Munroe I think about Maxo Tida resting comfortably in Fox Hill, had I been a lawyer there were just some cases I would not take, nothing beats a good nights rest, BUT then again some people ain gat no conscience, blood money still green!!

        • Kim you think they ga give that? RIGHT IN THE BAHAMAS THE DNA is attempting to establish a COMMUNIST PARTY and Create a DYNASTY! WIFE, BROTHER, SISTER ALL APPOINT THE LEADER? WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS? Boy, this is something else!

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