Bahamas Press says Merry Christmas



  1. R.I.P. Phil. It seems that in recent times, an abnormal amount of Bahamians have been stricken with some type of kidney disease/failure. The government needs to conduct some type of study to ensure that there is not some type of trend developing.

  2. May his soul and all the faithful departed rest in peace…Absent from us but Present with the Lord.
    R.I.P Phil

  3. Phil Smith dead at age 52…. Atleast his family got to spend this Christmas with him present in body… I think that he is in a better place. No more pain… He will be missed and he is a National Hero…


  5. Wisdom thank you, that means so much coming from you. I have the most respect for persons like yourself, Media, Joe Blow, Elcott Coleby, Omar Archer, Altec, Drama King, WOW!, Objective Thoughts, Rupert, Joe, Morehands, Hemmibahama, Just an on looker, Generalcrazy, Tristan, Hardhead gal, Insane Jane and even Thomas Finley. This year I was faced with some challenges, but God have been very good to me and it was only because of his love for me I was able to deal with whatever confronted me. Having a place like BP to come to have meaningful discussions and to make jokes sometimes helped me too. I have learned so much on here, there are some very intelligent people who normally write in on this site and to list all of them the list would be too long to mention. I am just happy to feel appreciated and to be amongst some of the most intellectual people in this country or in the world and to have them making me feel welcome, I can’t express what that means to me, it’s definitely a good feeling. Once again, thank you. I wish you and your family God’s blessings. May we all continue to include God in all of our plans.

  6. To ALL of you wonderful men & women that is making a good contribution to this nation through this media, HAVE A MERRY & PROSPEROUS 2009 “each day in 2009.”
    You may face trouble but “..LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED…” Let the PEACE OF GOD REIGN in your lives. WE are a special nation and people.
    JOE BLOW and KIM SANDS you have taught me a lot this year, Thank You.

  7. I said it on another post, but I would like to wish all of you a very merry Christmas and a Happy’09. Take care and be safe!

  8. Merry Christmas to you too Mr Coleby, and to all of you, BP and family, have a blessed, safe Christmas and prosperous new year.

  9. You guys get this, the axe man Manny Alexiou just open a toy store in time for Christmas. All the trouble Colinaimperial and the Guardian find themselves in the man busy buying toys for his new store. I hope he give those hardworking employees of his their bonuses, ham and turkey because those people had to endure a lot this year. He can expect the children of those employees that he axed to be happy this Christmas, because their parents don’t have any monies to buy them any food much less toys…..Jokes!!!……

  10. A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe, and Prosperous New Year to the entire Bahamaspress family and extended family. Namely Media, Omar Archer, Kim Sands, Joe, Joe Blow, Tristan, Altec, Rupert, Objective Thought, Wisdom, HemiBahamas, Bruce McIntire, Thomas Finley, and even Thomas Pratt.

    We may not always agree on how to develop our country, but one factor is always clear from the various blogs and deliberations: WE ALL LOVE THE BAHAMAS DEARLY AND WANT THE BEST FOR HER. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS.

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