Bahamas Press will be upgrading to accommodate greater viewers


Bahamas Press will be upgrading this weekend in order to accommodate greater features and tools for your advantage. We want you to enjoy this upgrade and offer your suggestions. Your Bahamas Press has experienced a huge traffic flow and therefore we must upgrade, redesign new highways to allow you and others to feel a better ride.

Join us this Sunday at 3 PM for another exclusive EXPLOSIVE STORY! SHOCKING IT IS INDEED! All we advise is this, the people at the Royal Bahamas Defense Force and its Minister of National Security must please find the CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEKEND…YINNER GA NEED IT!


  1. You don’t have to worry about us ALTEC, Bahamas Press will be ready to cut, attack , CHOP when and where ever it is needed.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

      • To “New” and to others reading the website we must apologize for not publishing the 3PM story in the time assigned. We will bring that story as promised at a later date this week. We are gathering new information to that article as we speak and therefore, we deeply apologize.

        However, later tonight or in the wee hours of Monday morning your Bahamas Press will break new revelations on NIB. It will be Part Six of our probe at NIB and it will be a treat. So please, sit tight and get ready for another exclusive investigative piece on your Bahamas Press.

        Stand By….

        Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Boy BP, I read this site and I read *********, the new blog from your buddy the PLP webmaster and I must give it up to you two.  Nothing like more people coming to the pool for BP to step up its game and we all win. Its competitive but its not destructive competition because they have a particular approach and they show themselves but BP is BP and like Highlander, there can only be one BP. LOL. I am sure they will find their niche as BP found his and both blogs along with whatever crops up, will give us more voices and more sources to go to. Like i said earlier, it seems both of you guys are covering different sides of the field and that is very mature and wise of you two. So congratulations BP on the upgrade, it will take a minute to get used to just like the last one but it looks and feels good so far.

  3. Well Kim we try. Bahamas Press is reaching over 4 million readers monthly and this means we must now begin to expand speed and presence on the web.

    As you know the Bahamas is a Tourism destination and we want to be on the cutting edge to reach these guests.

    Therefore, upgrading is necessary. BP will also at the beginning of 2010 offer advertising.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    • Media: BP will also at the beginning of 2010 offer advertising.

      Dont let the incoming  money do to you what that government check did to Sam Duncombe.

  4. Whoever is running this web site I would like to commend your team. You allow the “real message” to reach all Bahamians worldwide. It would be great to see your faces on the website but if you wish to keep your names private I understand. Thanks for using the internet what it was inteded for…sharing vital and factual information.

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