
Nassau Bahamas – KB has sung a song about it, the daily talk shows are bombarded with calls about it and on the streets of the capital the public complain about it. The service provided by the various government agencies have been held up to scrutiny and found lacking.

On October 11, under the theme, The Importance of Public Sector Reform, The Bahamas Public Services Union (BPSU) hosted a one day seminar to continue discussions on the many issues facing the civil service and develop recommendations on public sector reform.

The key note speaker at this event the Hon. Zhivargo Laing, Minister of State, Finance reminded public officers attending the seminar that it is the role of the Public Service to perform what its name suggests, “Service to the public.” Minister Laing went on to tell the officers that the Public Service exists in a social system and that the actions of civil servants impact not only the individual client but the entire country. In defining Public Service Reform, Minister Laing said that Public Sector Reform is the development of strategies and structures to ensure the Public Service is able to serve the public better, that is, serve the public at its best.

Mr. John Pinder, BPSU President, told seminar participants that the BPSU was committed to public service reform. “Too often”, according to Mr. Pinder, “the public and even some Union members have the misconception that the Union’s only role is to address job related grievances or negotiate salary increases. The Bahamas Public Services Union is concerned about professional development, career advancement opportunities and quality service.”