Bahamians voted to turn the Bahamas in the right direction – Perry Christie will form the next Government!



Nassau, Bahamas — The Publisher and CEO of Bahamas Press would like to extend his heartfelt thanks to the editors and staff for doing an outstanding job on getting the message of the opposition PLP out to the people.

We were up against many evil forces and demons. The Tribune, (Wutless terlet paper), the Guardian, the Punch and the online trolls of the FNM.

These evil forces tried to stymie free speech, they sent viruses to our site and plotted with outside forces to shut us down. We say to them, we will not be deterred.

We started this site because we wanted to keep the Gov’t on its feet. We got the ball rolling In the Elizabeth bye election which has led to this victory. We were the lone voice and yes, we will give ourselves a pat on the back. Kudos to our talented staff and the good citizens who gave us information.

They called us liars and strangers to the truth, however, most of our stories were backed up by facts. We have broken more stories in our short history than the mainstream (lame stream) media has in the past10-years.

We say to the leadership of the PLP, don’t forget who brought to the dance.

We will bask in the moment and say to Papa Clown, your time has come, you have run a-mok, we have been had and bamboozled, we hope not to see the likes of you anymore.

Good Riddance and Good bye.