Bahamas World Junior Champion defies Sports Exec. and fails to show


Shaunae Miller on way to victory in IAAF World Youth Championships Photo: Bahamas Athletics / Kermit Taylor

Where is  the Damn National Pride – Shaunae Miller World Junior Championship holder fails to show for fitness!

Nassau, Bahamas — As the biggest sports event is about to take place in the world, here in the Bahamas a crisis is developing. Our one-time sports powerhouse has declined into an unbelievable state, with more than 10 elite athletes submitting medical certificates to bypass their fitness tests.

Tonight Bahamas Press places focus on the World Junior Championship gold medal holder Shaunea Miller.

The young track star is one of several who failed to appear at the Bahamas Nationals last week and today defied Bahamian sports executives as she convalesced somewhere in Florida today with her father and coach.

Miller we repeat is the World’s Junior Championship Gold Medal holder, but last week failed to show up for the Nationals.

What kind of leadership from her coach is being displayed here? Perhaps she will run for another country and forget the Bahamas.

As it stands, Miller cannot compete in the 2012 Olympic Games for the Bahamas because, as it stands, the sporting association of the Bahamas could not get her here to qualify and show fitness.

Could you imagine that?

No discipline and love of country is being displayed by her or by her father. This is an affront to every Bahamian!

Another question we are asking is this: Can Miller defend her title in the 400m at the World Junior Championships which opens in Barcelona on our Independence Day, July 10th, the anniversary of Bahamian Independence?

According to reports she has no interest in doing so. What is this!

Sport in the country was one time heralded as a great avenue out of poverty. It represented excellence, discipline and acted as an avenue to receiving a world-class education.

But what are its fruits here in the Bahamas? Just look at what is happening and you will see!

What is more embarrassing for the Bahamas Olympic Team is the fact that a number of powerful athletes are now injured and are showing no kind of interest whatsoever!

Example: the Bahamian men’s 4X100 track team was to show up in Jamaica this weekend for competition. But guess what? Some of the boys cannot be found. In fact up to Thursday night not one official knew where the men were, a NO-NO according to sports rules!

Like Jerry Roker, they have vanished like a hologram and one or two we understand are cussing BP for our reports and concerns.

Where are the Bahamian men stars that are on subvention?

We ga leave yinner with this. And we want you to look at this clip below to conclude our point.

Last night at the Jamaican Olympic Trials, Usain Bolt became the number 2 fastest man in the world as he was defeated by Jamaican Yohan Blake who was crowned National Champion in the mens 100m. Now pray tell BP, do you think Blake would be on the Jamaican team had he not appeared at the Nationals? HELL NO! So what is this we in the Bahamas are concocting here? “JACKASSNESS”!

Every BITCH and dey mah was in that Jamaican stadium last night to compete. But here in the Bahamas we playing the fool? Ducking diving jiving and playing lil red riding hood – all to get on the team through the back door?

Not this time!

We report yinner decide!