Bahamasair moves to stop illegal strike action in the Supreme Court!


Bahamasair’s AAAWU Union demands increment payments not in the industrial agreement!

Bahamasair new ATR aircrafts.

NASSAU| A crisis developing inside Bahamasair, organized by the union executives this morning, moved to cripple the airline in the busiest season of the year.

This morning the Airport Airline & Allied Workers Union (AAAWU) and its executives exercised an illegal strike action in a bold attempt to ground the airline.

Swift action under the direction of Minister I. Chester Cooper and Bahamasair’s legal team filed a Supreme Court action to stop the illegal strike believed to be engineered by persons connected to the opposition. 

Workers should know that to call in sick and perform an illegal strike action means they could jeopardize their pay and jobs by their participation.

BAHAMAS PRESS CRIES DUTTY SHAME ON THE executives of the politically driven union who engaged in a bold attempt seeks to extort the Bahamas Government and the Bahamian people just days before the holidays.

The Union Executives are seeking to demand from the Bahamas Government (THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE) increment payments which are not provided for in the Industrial agreement! THIS IS WICKED! How could a yinner could do this to MAMA DEM who are coming out of Florida, loaded with their goods for Christmas? HOW?!

Bahamasair has pledged to provide regular updates via SMS and email protocols to keep passengers informed. The airline’s Customer Care Center for assistance can be contacted at 242-702-4140, while the Customer Relations team can be reached at 242-702-4159.