Bahamian Football Union Executive Lionel Haven banned by FIFA’s ethics watchdog…


Lionel Haven
Lionel Haven

ZURICH, (Reuters) – FIFA’s ethics watchdog today banned former Caribbean Football Union executive Lionel Haven from soccer for five years for failing to disclose information related to cash payments at a CFU event in 2011.

The adjudicatory chamber of world soccer body’s independent Ethics Committee imposed the ban and fined Haven, from the Bahamas, 3,000 Swiss francs ($3,130), it said in a statement.

In an unusual move, it made the ban public without having contacted Haven, whom it said it was not able to reach at his last known postal address.

Enmeshed in the worst corruption scandal in its history, FIFA has been cracking down on wrongdoing. Over 40 individuals and entities, including many former FIFA officials, have been charged with graft-related offences in the United States.

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