Bahamian host Consul General in New York hosted to reception


Delores Scott welcomes her Ambassador

RECEPTION FOR CONSUL GENERAL — Mrs. Delores Scott, a native Bahamian,  hosted a reception for Bahamas Consul General to New York the Hon. Forrester J. Carroll and Dr. Valencia Carroll at her residence in Norwalk, Connecticut, on Saturday, September 14, 2013.

Mrs. Scott is the aunt of Mrs. Cyprianna McSweeney, wife of former Attorney General Sean McSweeney.

Guests at the reception included Norwalk Mayor Richard A. Moccia, Connecticut State Senator Bob Duff, Vice Consul Sandra N. McLaughlin and Mr. Canute Mclaughlin.

The atmosphere reflected Bahamian culture at its finest. Pictured from left to right: Mrs. Delores Scott, Dr. Valencia Carroll, Mayor Moccia, Senator Duff, Consul General Carroll, and Mr. Andy Pierce, a teacher at Columbus Magna School, Norwalk, CT.