Bahamian and Jamaican terrorists have struck Atlantis Paradise Island in what was a very quiet weekend – 12 million stolen in the heist!

Nassau, Bahamas — Sources now on the ground on Paradise Island tell us sometime around noon today more than 10 Bahamian and Jamaican thieves entered the Casino at Atlantis and stole some 12 million dollars from a cage on the popular property.
But before they could escape wearing their gas masks, we are told the men entered the casino with smoke bombs and pepper sprays like terrorists out of some Hollywood movie as one raced to the cage and got locked inside as the Casino Security automatically went in lock down mode.
After getting almost 12 million dollars, the other bandits being afraid ran for their lives, and left their greedy cage man who was loading money into bags for the gang trapped.
We can report police have at least ten of the men in custody for the heist and have recovered some Eight Hundred Thousands Dollars [800,000]. Police we are told are in search of the others in what was clearly an organized, calculated and well-planned robbery.
We can report at least three workers from the cage were rushed to hospital following the ordeal, suffering from the gas released in the casino.
Scores of employees on property we are told are locked in offices following word of the incident.

Police we can also report now have the situation under control and have reopened the Paradise Island Bridge as every vehicle leaving the area is being thoroughly checked.
What in the hell is this? Criminals hit ATLANTIS? VELL MUDDO!
We report yinner decide!
Four more clubs shut down on New Providence
Nassau, Bahamas – Police are doing their jobs and this weekend was no different. Police tell us they have shut down four more clubs and told patrons to go home over the weekend.
The crackdowns are in keeping with the Commissioner of Police 2012 policing plan, Tackling Crime and Enforcing the Rules of the Road, officers of the Northeastern and Southwestern Divisions conducted two (2) separate operations.
From what we know the operations were held between the hours of 6:00 pm on Friday and Saturday. We can confirm some twelve (12) males being arrested, ten (10) drivers being cited for various offences and four (4) clubs being shut down.
Eight (8) males were arrested on outstanding Warrants of Arrest, four (4) references to Armed Robbery, two (2) for fighting and one (1) reference to Causing Harm.
The clubs were shut down for being in breach of their business license – playing loud music.
And while clubs are getting shut down across New providence we at BP wonder when will someone look at the club on the top of Blue Hill Road, where patrons park in the street and block Baillou Hill Road.
Meanwhile Police are reporting a shooting incident that has left a 20-year-old male of Cambridge Lane in hospital.
The incident reportedly occurred around shortly before 1:00 am on Sunday.
Initial reports indicate that the victim was walking through a track road off Baillou Hill
Road when he heard gunshots and realized he was grazed to the leg.
The victim was taken to hospital where he is detained in stable condition.
Police are investigating and are appealing to members of the public who may have any information regarding this incident to contact police.