Bahamians at the Ministry of Tourism Offices across the US set to be sent home….


Minnis’ “Terminate and Incarcerate” policy to send Tourism contract workers home and deliver downgrades and high unemployment within the local economy!

Minister for Tourism D’Aguilar


Nassau, Bahamas – A breaking bombshell by Bahamas Press early this morning confirms that the Cabinet of the Bahamas has made the decision to close several Tourism satellite offices across major cities in the US and send workers packing.

The government cuts will affect offices in Washington, New York, Los Angeles and Texas affecting over 100 Bahamians who will return home.

We can confirm the move by the new administration is not new as it was done back in 2007 when the Ingraham Government sent packing many workers including Vaughn Miller. The decision to close Tourism offices then resulted in the decline in promotions, and further resulted in dangerously low arrivals to the Bahamas, which then sent home hotel workers at major resorts on Grand Bahama, New Providence and Paradise Island.

We believe this single decision will result in systematic domino affects causing layoffs in the hotel sector, and will directly contribute to the pending downgrade coming by Moodys. This is not good!

Our source confirm Washington will merge with New York and La will merge with Texas. The decision will result in a $14 million cut in Tourism.

Some inside the Minnis Cabinet thinks it is a brilliant move while we think its will create another disaster; the kind with a September 11 like shock felt under the Ingraham Government.

Our Cabinet source confirmed, “This decision will streamline the Tourism operations and result in huge savings to that Ministry. We want to repeat as our Minister for Finance noted earlier this year… we are to ‘close the gaps for wastage and leakages. Improve public spending and make doing business around the world easier’. This is our goal in this exercise.”

The workers affected will join the unemployment line now queuing up all across the public service particularly in agencies like URBAN RENEWAL where the most vulnerable in the society were being assisted.

Food assistance has been slashed in Social Services while the Cabinet terminated a number of workers engaged for the introduction of NHI from NIB. What’s next?!

PM Minnis campaigned on the theme: ‘It’s The People’s Time’, but from the looks of things ‘Da People’ are da victims of a dangerous [and we believe deadly] “Terminate and Incarcerate” policy!

Moody’s is expected to soon downgrade the Bahamas soon as the Minnis Government continues to create serious shocks within the economy.

We report yinner decide!


  1. Once again bp (lower case intentional) wow us with yet another stellar example of journalistic unbiased reporting….that’s sarcasm for the witty impaired.

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