A letter to the BP Editor!

Rest in Peace, young man, and my sincerest condolences to the family, and the family of the other young man that ended up in this unfortunate circumstance!
This is so heartbreaking to hear and pretty scary as well. Particularly for someone like me and other Bahamians living in Europe.
Generally speaking, Bahamians need to be aware that the romanticized idea of Europe that we have always had in our heads does not really exist in the same form as we have always thought of it.
Ideas of egalitarianism and certain freedoms belong to bygone days in a number of European countries. Europe is changing rapidly and is increasingly becoming more and more dangerous for foreigners due to a significant rise in right wing ideology and the resulting violence perpetrated against foreigners.
If this, indeed, turns out to be owing to foul play then I would, in the strongest manner, warn Bahamians to keep your eyes open when travelling on the continent; inform yourselves on the attitudes of the natives towards foreigners in the country that is your destination and be aware that you could be considered a target of right wing violence.
The rise in unwanted economic immigrants from Africa, who are viewed as taking opportunities away from locals, is a cause of great animosity in some European countries nowadays. You being assessed as a target could be based on the mere fact that you are of a different skin colour and are thought to be from Africa. But not necessarily. It could also be based on a general resentment for foreigners. This means that you could be innocently caught up in a battle in which you do not belong.
Bahamians beware!
SHAWN Touissaint

But let’s make are present felt
In a perfect world, West Indians would appreciate and support West Indians but this isn’t a perfect world.
Also, Bahamians do not seek and set out to kill Haitians. Most people who are born in a country are not welcoming of illegal immigrants
Hi all I am a Bahamian living in Europe for the last ten years, I will agree that there’s an great intolerance for Africans here in Europe. Predominantly in southern Europe Germany and some Scandinavian countries because of the rise of the far right movement.i would advise young Bahamians to be vigilant in places like Italy and Germany especially.
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