Suspension of Phlebotomy & Laboratory Services at Agape Clinic Until Further Notice

NOTICE| The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) wishes to advise effective Tuesday July 13th , the public is advised that Phlebotomy and Laboratory service at the Agape Clinic (Family Medicine) 4th Terrace Centreville will be SUSPENDED until further notice. The public is reminded that service hours at the Agape Clinic has been reduced to Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am to 4pm. Walk-in patients will not be accommodated.
Additionally, the public is advised that the Emergency Department is only accepting emergency cases. In the event of a medical emergency please call National Emergency Medical Services dispatchers at 919 or contact the PMH Emergency Department at 326-7014.
Hospital management apologizes for any delays in service as a result of these adjustments. The PHA strongly advises the public to adhere to all safety protocols including wearing of masks, social distancing and hand washing. The Authority is imploring the public to heed the call to get vaccinated to help stem the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our communities.
The public is further advised to follow all announcements and public advisories from the Ministry of Health and Public Hospitals Authority regarding Health and Hospital Services.