Bahamians Prove Capabilities On Eastern Road Junction – Team thanks Perry Christie Government for Believing in Bahamians


• Bahamas Striping demonstrates they can do the job, no need for foreigners

• Young crew praised by local engineers and contractor Porky’s Paving

Bahamas Striping

On Thanksgiving weekend Bahamas Striping completed the latest Eastern Road improvements at the Newgate Road junction near Blair Estates, proving, the company says, that Bahamians are fully capable of successfully striping any and all public roads projects in the country.

Lead by its UK certified striping trainer, Bahamas Striping says this should once and for all silence any remaining doubters that its team of young Bahamians can’t stripe technically difficult jobs in melted thermoplastic. The company says the successful project again proves that foreigners are no longer needed to stripe taxpayer-owned Bahamian roads.

Contracted by Bernard “Porky” Dorsett of Porky’s Trucking & Equipment, and supervised by the Ministry of Works & Urban Development, Bahamas Striping was contracted to install long-lasting thermoplastic road marking and retro-reflective road studs or “cat’s eyes”. The job, which increases traffic flow and safety, and lessens congestion along Eastern Road, consisted of three stop junction assemblies, lane dividers, directional arrows, hatching and a give way junction.  The supervised team was aged 25 years or younger with the road studs being laid down by a 23-year old Bahamian.

The job was the first time that the young crew had been able to apply their classroom knowledge in the field after six weeks of instruction by certified UK Striping Trainer Brian Bostock, who recently arrived from Liverpool.

“Bahamas Striping performed in a timely fashion and professional manner. I was very impressed,” said Mr. “Porky” Dorsett. “This company certainly brings something to the industry.”

Two engineers from the Ministry Works gave Bahamas Striping credit. Senior Engineer Dexter Williams stated that he never saw such a young team doing technical striping like he saw on Eastern Road.

“I was very impressed. Their standard of striping is to the standard that we expect at the Ministry. The training by the UK striper is working with this young crew. It’s inspiring seeing these young Bahamians doing this level of work.

Ministry of Works assistant engineer Mario Smith, who supervised the project, was similarly pleased as he inspected the work and saw the speed and knowledge of the local team.

“They understand the theory and know how to lay a good stripe,” said Smith. “I was very pleased with what I saw—how technically proficient and careful they are.”

Atario Mitchell, president of Bahamas Striping, says he has seen a 100% improvement in his crew since Bostock began training them in a classroom setting six weeks ago.

“We’ve been eager to get the men out on the road to apply their classroom theory. In the field is the only place where they can acquire the necessary skills and apply their textbook knowledge,” said Mitchell. “We’re grateful to Porky’s Paving and the new government for giving us the opportunity.”

Managing Director of Bahamas Striping, Sean Adderley, said: “Anyone who doubts our capabilities and quality should come down and see for themselves. It’s evident that foreigners should no longer be taking Bahamian jobs on thermoplastic work that Bahamians can do.”

“We’re particularly grateful to Deputy Prime Minister “Brave” Davis. Back in August, when he come on site at the Johnson Road junction, Minister Davis saw for himself the standard we can achieve. He promised that Bahamian striping operators would have opportunities to work on public roads in short order. And now we have this new job, as he promised. He’s been good for his word,” said Adderley.

Despite not having thermoplastic projects in the pipeline, Bahamas Striping invested in training by bringing in a UK Certified striper, relying on the new government’s promises of forthcoming opportunities. At last, says Adderley, the ongoing expense of expert training has started to pay off with this project where the men can get in the field.”

“We’d like to thank Mr. Dorsett from Porky’s Paving for supporting Bahamians and young Bahamian men. It’s vital for society that our unemployed young men need all the help they can get. DPM Davis said the Bahamian striping operators need to be given opportunities to become more skilled and here we see the Ministry, Mr. Dorsett and Porky’s giving us the chance to show we can do great work. We thank them for that,” said Adderley.

Bahamas Striping Marketing Director Bob Bower said: “It’s now clear to everyone that the foreigners who have been dominating striping of public roads in this country for more than 10 years don’t need to be here taking all our jobs—especially when our work is equal or better then theirs. In the local striping industry as a whole, people can see the era of foreign domination is coming to an end. This job gave our 13-member crew a start in training and practical experience to get ready for the estimated $4.5 million worth of striping we expect in the next five years,” said Bower.

The company, less than three years old, wants to invest in training continuously, expanding young Bahamians’ technical knowledge so they can take their striping knowledge to other islands and, one day, even abroad. Bahamas Striping wants to help build a robust local striping industry, even assisting other Bahamian striping operators to replace the foreign domination and to empower more young Bahamians.