BAIC Chairman charged he paid Branville McCartney $5,000 for legal work?

Edison Key, MP for Abaco.

Nassau, Bahamas — The MP for South Abaco just said in the House he paid Branville McCartney a $5,000 retainer to collect outstanding debt owed to BAIC, a Government AGENCY, three years ago.

Key said the agency is owed million in fees by leased land holders. He noted much of the money he has been trying to collect since he has been chairman.

But three years ago Branville McCartney was a Cabinet Minister with responsibility.

Are ministers now able to practice and collect legal work from the Government, while they serve in the Cabinet of the Bahamas?

Edison Key charged Branville collected the retainer from the public department BAIC and never returned. If Branville did it who else is doing it? What kind a Cabinet Ingraham is running?


  1. All I can say about this is, “Be ye not deceived, for God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man seweth that also shall he reap!!! What a mess, I wonder how will THIS be dealt with???

  2. The individual who should now be disipline is Mr. Edison Key. How the hell could HE issue a government contract to a Government Minister in the first place? And the dumb-boo was stupid enough to brag about it live in the HOA while debating the anti crime bills. Speak about sending yourself to jail! These guys are nore disgraceful than I thought. Edison Key, his Minister, and the PM need to explain this gross mismanagement of the Bahamian people money. I wonder if the toilet paper news papers will investigate this and give us a full report. NO. We need change!

    • Ah hah! I never looked at it from that perspective. After all, Bran was in the FNM camp at the time.
      Bran said he doesn’t know about such contract/retainer and I believe him. Mr. Key has some explaining to do!

  3. This story is funny. If Branville was still a member of the FNM this retainer story would never rear its ugly head….We are not interested. It sounds like sour grapes. All we interested in hearing is when hubert a ingraham acknowleges defeat soon. We are ready to vote you all out. You already represent the two parties in the Bahamas to get your way. It aint long now. Stop the political tactics!

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