Health Dashboard fails to include Abaco workers in daily count – WHY?

The Ministry of Health confirms today that there are twenty (25) additional confirmed cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to two hundred nineteen (219). There have been one hundred fourteen (114) confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Providence, eighty-one (81) confirmed cases in Grand Bahama, seventeen (17) confirmed cases in Bimini, four (4) confirmed cases in the Berry Islands, two (2) confirmed cases in Cat Island and one (1) confirmed case in Cat Cay.
Cases #195 – #200 are residents of New Providence.
Case #195 is a forty-nine (49) year old female; and
Case #196 is a thirty-nine (39) year old female.
Further information on Cases #197 – #200 is pending.
Cases #201 – #213 are residents of Grand Bahama.
Case #201 is a forty-three (43) year old female;
Case # 202 is an eleven (11) year old female;
Case #203 is a forty-four (44) year old female;
Case #204 is a thirty-one (31) year old female; and
Case #205 is a forty-one (41) year old male.
Further information on Cases #206 – #213 is pending.
Cases #214 – #217 are residents of the Berry Islands.
Case #214 is a twenty (20) year old male;
Case #215 is a seventy-nine (79) year old female;
Case #216 is a forty-nine (49) year old female; and
Case #217 is a thirty-nine (39) year old female.
Cases #218 and #219 are residents of Bimini.
Case #218 is a thirty (30) year old female;
Case #219 is a thirty-four (34) year old female.
Further details of these cases were unable to be confirmed at the time of the release of this report. Investigations are ongoing, and a complete update of details will be published at a later date. Health officials continue to follow the condition of the other current COVID-19 positive cases.
The public is reminded to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
wear a face mask when you leave home;
wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;
cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and
clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards.
Do your part to prevent the spread of COVID-19.