Bamboo Town MP Touching All in the Community



No one can deny that Tennyson Wells was a good MP for Bamboo Town, NO QUESTION! What is more clear however is this, Bamboo Town appears to always have a great MP. Current MP Branville McCartney have turned his constituency office into an almost daily Social Outreach programme to the youth of the country.

Bahamas Press regularly receives email form the office of the MP which includes many activities, from Church visits to picnics, to party treats and athletic events in the community. However this photo, got into true heart of the MP, in what is clearly, an MP that cares for ALL in his constituents. Here Mr. McCartney encourages young Alicia after a weekend bus event with youths in the Bamboo Town community.


  1. “I am not at all surprised” Bran is the Man. I truly respect Mr. McCartney. As busy as he is and as demanding as his schedule is, Branville found the time to read to my son’s class for 30 minutes Just Friday pass. Those kids were so happy, and for that I will forever be in his debt. This man is going to be Prime Minister one day. He possesses all the qualities. He truly understands that Great minds are the minds of simplicity. It’s the small things that matters most to people.
    Keep up your excellent work my brother and remember to always put God first in all you do.

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