Bank promotes some whilst others are SACKED!…Bank SCANDALS at RBC!


rbc-office<<< Royal Bank main branch in downtown Nassau.

Nassau, Bahamas — In May we at Bahamas Press warned you of SCANDALS in the RBC family. We touched on the fact that the ‘old boys club’ at RBC “has a habit of bending over backward to reward BAD BEHAVIOUR, whilst longstanding, decent, hardworking employees cannot see the light of day.”

You would remember we introduced Toure Holder. Yes, the bank’s SPOIL BRAT who fled the island of St. Kitts after licking gunshots at a relative of the late former Prime Minister, Lee Moore [“Woody Big Wood Moore”]. (Click to read story)
The goon squad from Canada now headed by WUTLESS Ross McDonald, has now done the unthinkable. Holder we understand will now assume a new role in the Bank effective August 4th. He will become the new Area Manager, Family Islands and Manager Marsh Harbour. Bankers on the fourth floor in Royal House tell us, Toure continues to hold progressively responsible positions over the last several years despite his noted criminal actions while in St. Kitts. The Bank is once again praising “BAD BAHVIOUR”.group-copy

We warn Holder, Marsh Harbour, Abaco is no St. Kitts. Try licking gunshot there, and we guarantee some ‘crazy head’ from Abaco will lose their cool on him this time. [Someone did something similar just last week in Abaco on another man, but could not drag the body no further to one a them blue holes].

Today, however, our story takes us someplace else inside RBC. We tell the story of someone who has worked hard and long. She is a young banker, who is now on suspension [without pay] at the Bank. She is a sick woman and because of her ailments, cannot see any light of mercy from RBC’s fourth floor. She tells Bahamas Press of another dark side of the RBC coin.

The employee, who wishes not to be name, cried foul and questioned, “What kind a piece a [expletive] is RBC these days? For years I’ve been a dedicated employee at the Bank. I’ve been coming to work from 7am in the day to 7pm in the night and look what they did to me. What have I done to deserve this?”

BP has learned that the female employee was on medical leave at the time of her suspension and was unaware of the fact that the Bank decided to dump her, after she became sick. “My doctor called and informed the Bank of my condition. Yet RBC completely ignored my doctor’s communications and my supervisor’s advise,” the suspended employee said.

She still questions why was she suspended from the Bank and ponders why will no one at the operation accept the case that she is indeed ill? Sounds like the Bank needs a union.

BP has also learned that former head of loans and collections Ms. Quincy Fisher was also demoted at the Bank. Fisher we understand was kicked out of her plush office at Royal House and thrown into a rinky-dinky cubbyhole cubicle in the collection centre. Boy, this Bank hates women ech?

A few months in late spring, RBC chopped the head off and fired its manager at the Prince Charles Shopping Centre, Keith Lloyd. He was another honest, dedicated and loyal worker dumped by the bank.

Bahamas Press cries SHAME on the 100 plus year-old institution! Particularly, after hearing these latest actions against dedicated employees. The Bank’s ABUSE against workers, particularly its FEMALE bankers, is UNACCEPTABLE! Perhaps its time for the Bank to become unionized, or in failing to do so, become like CLICO and just disappear from face of the country!


  1. It is a sad situation if you are not satisfied with what you have then leave instead of cheating. That situation could have gone horribly wrong

  2. Mrs. Holder sleeps with everybody – It has finally caught up with her.
    She has caused so much problems everywhere she goes

  3. RBC Bank President Gordon Nixon – Salary $11.73 Million


    I’m a commercial fisherman fighting the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) over a $100,000 loan mistake. I lost my home, fishing vessel and equipment. Help me fight this corporate bully by closing your RBC Bank account.

    There was no monthly interest payment date or amount of interest payable per month on my loan agreement. Date of first installment payment (Principal + interest) is approximately 1 year from the signing of my contract.
    Demand loan agreements signed by other fishermen around the same time disclosed monthly interest payment dates and interest amounts payable per month.The lending policy for fishermen did change at RBC from one payment (principal + interest) per year for fishing loans to principal paid yearly with interest paid monthly. This lending practice was in place when I approached RBC.
    Only problem is the loans officer was a replacement who wasn’t familiar with these type of loans. She never informed me verbally or in writing about this new criteria.

    Phone or e-mail:
    RBC President, Gordon Nixon, Toronto (416)974-6415
    RBC Vice President, Sales, Anne Lockie, Toronto (416)974-6821
    RBC President, Atlantic Provinces, Greg Grice (902)421-8112 mail
    RBC Manager, Cape Breton/Eastern Nova Scotia, Jerry Rankin (902)567-8600
    RBC Vice President, Atlantic Provinces, Brian Conway (902)491-4302 mail
    RBC Vice President, Halifax Region, Tammy Holland (902)421-8112 mail
    RBC Senior Manager, Media & Public Relations, Beja Rodeck (416)974-5506 mail
    RBC Ombudsman, Wendy Knight, Toronto, Ontario 1-800-769-2542 mail
    Ombudsman for Banking Services & Investments, JoAnne Olafson, Toronto, 1-888-451-4519 mail

    “Fighting the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) one customer at a time”

  4. You go to work the time you are suppose to and your get off the time you are suppose to, because most of these companies don’t care anything about what you dealing with. You’re there working like a mule and as soon as you get sick or can’t perform the way that you used to, they are only too happy to show you to the door. Stop sacrificing your energy, time, family, health and spiritual needs for these slave drivers, because you don’t mean nothing to them, especially if you are a decent person, who don’t believe in kissing *** and pimping on your fellow workers. I know you have some clock watchers in some of these businesses, who goes to lunch and knock off the time they are suppose to, they don’t put in an extra second and watch how long they been with the company and you working around the clock like you own the damn business and you will be first one the company decides to let go, that’s just their way of telling you, I hope you learned a valuable lesson and stop being a ***. There is nothing wrong with going the extra mile once in a while, but not everyday.

  5. This is off topic, but I just wanted to say I really miss Joe Blow contribution to this blog. I know how he feels about Hubert Ingraham and the FNM party and when I don’t see him on here defending their honors; it really makes me a bit nervous. Joe, I really hope and pray everything is alright with you and your family and you would come back to us soon.

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