FNM must re-brand, reenergize, and renew itself into a well-oiled, well-funded political machine – Breaking update – Duane Sands seeks Long Island seat….? What in the hell is dis?

Former FNM Cabinet Minister showing no loyalty to the Movement!

Nassau, Bahamas — The question must be why are so many former ministers of the Ingraham government are finding it so hard to cope?
The once powerful train of the FNM has once again come to a stop, this time to let off the former Minister for Education Desmond Bannister.
He, you would remember, is the man we told you was committed to no one, and this morning the announcement of his resignation from the Senate speaks volumes.
Bannister, you would remember, is the leader of Opposition business in the Senate. Essentially, he is the #3 man in the Parliamentary team. And here comes the test of the FNM leader.
In a flushing out of the leadership of the Party, it all began with Hubert Ingraham, who resigned from the leadership back in May 2012 on the night of the General Election defeat.
Then it was his protégé and junior minister for finance, Zhivargo Laing. Some believe both wanted to avoid the crookedness and shady dealings conducted under their regime and the best way forward was to go into hiding.
What is happening now though proves how unpopular it is to jump in the front line of the FNM and here’s where the real test of the new leader comes.
Dr. Minnis must now, like a medical doctor, create a new infusion of young ambitious and tenacious leaders of the Free National Movement and begin to cultivate their interest in the future of the organization.
He must create a cleansing, if you will, and develop in the New FNM a wave of passionate, strong and inspiring young Bahamians.
Fact is – the FNM needs to re-brand, reenergize, and renew itself into a well-oiled, well-funded political machine.
The party must pick up the pieces from its past and reconnect with its foot soldiers. And those weak-kneed NEGROS who have failed the machine should resign now and allow that new blood to emerge.
It is time for the FNM to renew itself…
This is the task now for Hubert Minnis who inherited a party without money, without a team, without a future and left on the ground to die!
Minnis must do just what a responsible leader like Perry Christie did and develop the FNM into an organization with longevity. Christie – the New Sheriff – has built the PLP with longevity in mind. Following the crushing defeat in 1997, Christie rebranded the PLP.
By 2009, he had invited in a new generation of leaders to battle the business of the Bahamas long past his era. Right now you could shut your eyes and pick a leader for the PLP. Not only that – right now Christie has selected his successor to the throne and has fortified his party with the steel needed to cross over that bridge to the future of the PLP.
Christie then eyed his longtime law-partner and now powerful viceroy to take over overhauling the party and deputized the NO-nonsense MP for Cat Island Rum Cay and San Salvador Philip Brave Davis to work on the backend to ready the PLP for the 2012 General Election. Christie and Davis became the new Sheriffs in modern Bahamian politics – and to touch one is like touching the other.
This is what Dr. Minnis begin to do and it is possible opening here for former Cabinet Minister Branville McCartney to return to the FNM.
This is Dr. Minnis’ GOLDEN STRIKE – and when he is completed he will leave the FNM and the country in a better position than he met them.