Desmond Bannister and Charles Maynard shuffled in Ingraham Cabinet


bannister<<< Desmond Bannister is new minister of education.

Nassau, Bahamas — Seats are shuffling in the Cabinet room tonight as Hubert Ingraham is fixed to announce new changes for the third time in two years.

Bahamas Press is reporting Desmond Bannister will now become the new Minister of Education in the Government of the Bahamas. To hear the good news of Banister being asked to move to the head of the class is refreshing to us. We welcome this appointment and congratulate Bannister. This is the best news-to-date and we assure it will benefit the entire country greatly.

Readers would remember Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham at the recent FNM Convention announced the resignation of Carl Bethel from the department. Bethel was thrown to the back of the class and out of the Cabinet room following his gross mishandling of multiple scandals erupting in his ministry along with a breakdown with educators. He’s now serving coffee we understand at the FNM headquarters. Ingraham’s firing of Bethel was the second best news in the country for the year and we say, “good for him!” He had no shame in dealing with the Eight Mile Rock High School matter nor did he play fair when his son raped a 13 year old from the once prestigious Queen’s College.

A second announcement in the Ingraham Cabinet shuffle will be of the appointment of Charles Maynard as Minister of Youth Sports and Culture. Charlie, as Ingraham affectionately calls him or Pillsbury Dough boy as we do, will join the band rotten egg and empty heads overtaking the Cabinet. We know him to have no experience in such matters.maynardcharles

Ingraham, you should know, banned Maynard from travelling earlier this year after he displayed a DRUNKEN SPUTA episode at a local family island regatta. Residents had to lift the former junior minister into his car after collapsing ‘PISSY’ drunk on an airport tarmac following the event. Charlie is a Junkanoo man and he’s good at that, Junkanoo. Last we checked, he possessed no athletic ability, physically nor mentally. He possesses no gymnastic ability in the mind; a skill most needed now-a-days at the top of government ministries. We believe the appointment of Charlie will be another disappointment to the Bahamas.

Outside these there is little room left for Ingraham to shuffle around. Tommy Turnquest will be left in the cage of crime as minister of national security steering cold in the face a lame duck Commissioner of Police who we can aptly describe as ‘the rat who is left to watch the cheese’.


  1. @Russell Johnson
    No more Carl to push around and to show up his weaknesses, which was always so easy to do, these days Belinda is probably bored to death. I predict once she is over the shock of his sudden departure she will be feeling this new Minister of Education out for weak spots and to see if he is anything like his colleague. I believe this time Papa sent her the right man for the job though.

  2. I like both Charles and Desmond, congrats to them both.

    I’m wondering what is happening with Kendal Wright, why is he always passed over?

  3. Bannister is making the case for a clean heart and a good mind. His goodness of character is going to make an incredible difference at MOE. should the Bahamas place more emphasis on goodness rather than slickness we should be able to find some good people to make a difference in our politics and our national vision.

  4. Congrulation to both 2 shinnning star in the cabinet Desmond and Charles.Both had great foundation in the PLP party.It still takes PLP’s to run this country.We even give the FNM a leader tooo

  5. @Russell Johnson @LIZARD @Umm….

    I really trying not to get all up Charles business right, but I just think it’s the height of being irresponsible the way he gone down to a family island regatta and made those family islanders struggled with him. I am trying to understand why he allowed himself to get drunk to the point where he couldn’t make it to his car. I just feel that it is bad enough they don’t hardly check for the out islanders and when they do come they would be applying this type of pressure on them. Aint no use they reporting this to Hubert, because from what I hear Hubert is have his own little episodes when he traveling too. I don’t know how true this is, but I remember somebody telling me about a time Hubert been away on one of those international conference or something like that, they say he was so busted up until he couldn’t even see straight and ended up falling into a pool fully clothed in his coat suit and when the people asked him if he was alright, he told them he from the Bahamas, he love to swim!!

  6. I like Desmond as MOE and Charles, well I have heard that he is a hard worker. So we will see.

  7. @john…@ronica7…oh boy. You guys trying to start something. You wanna see infighting!!!…..LOL!!!

  8. Is this the same Desmond Bannister who, a few months ago, was bemoaning the fact that since he has been in government he has taken a drastic cut in financial income?

    How did Charles “bouncing boy” Maynard manage to get a promotion? He have some damaging pictures on HAI aye?

  9. Poor Prime Minister! There is a dearth of qualified individuals in this cabinet. Wherever you shuffle “doofuses” you get the same results. One of the more qualified, in my opinion, has died a political death, and is now chairman.

  10. @ Kim Sands…..LMAO O Lawd LOL Soooooooooooo Funny….I cudnt catch reading that….Tru though lol…a good one for the day O Fadda help lol

  11. Kim Sands :Charles sound like he is get loose when he is having a good time, but he need to be more careful and considerate to other people when he is drinking, because Charles know within himself he is not easy to lift and he has the nerves to get drunk and fall down? I just hope he didn’t cause those people any permanent damages to their backs. They should have look for a wheelchair or something to tote or drag him in.


  12. Desmond Bannister now the new Minister of Education in the Government of the Bahamas was an excellent choice. The other decision was questionable. We’ll see or should I say He’ll feel!

  13. @Kim Sands
    Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh!!!!!!!!!! For PAPA these are two good moves and I look forward to see how their performances pan out in the next six months.I feel sorry for Belinda Wilson as she no longer has Carl to beat up on.The way Belinda described the departure of Carl is classic,the man got fired on National television and Belinda being someone who obviously enjoyed abusing Carl got mad bcos he not knowing he wa going to be fired demanded that he did not tell her.Maynard has already started to make positive changes at his Ministry by being mature and allowing persons from the side opposite to perform thus making him look good.Bannister an avid reader of this site should do well as he appears to be middle of the road and can actually reachout to persons opposite.Bahamaspress I am not bringing politics into this political discussion but I believe that Bannister like Maynard was once PLP like PAPA and Maynard.

  14. Charles sound like he is get loose when he is having a good time, but he need to be more careful and considerate to other people when he is drinking, because Charles know within himself he is not easy to lift and he has the nerves to get drunk and fall down? I just hope he didn’t cause those people any permanent damages to their backs. They should have look for a wheelchair or something to tote or drag him in.

  15. Don’t care how you look at it; I don’t think anybody could do any worse than Carl. These past couple of years was the most trying and devastating time on those students, teachers, parents and the community when that joker was in charge of Education. I am looking forward to seeing a positive turn around with Bannister now sitting in that chair. He seems to have a more level head, than the last Minister who held that position. I think this is good news, because personally, I didn’t like the way Carl was still mixing up in things over at Education after he was fired or forced to tender his resignation so suddenly until he didn’t have time to tell President of the Teachers’ union and giving the fact that he wasn’t doing a good job when he was there.

  16. Good for Bannister and for Maynard.
    Its obvious the P M thinks well of Both Men and how they handled their respective Ministries, since both in essence got a BUMP-UP.
    This though, is Bannister third appointment and it makes me watchful of a young astute and articulate fellow getting well rounded in the various Government Ministries. Now if he can only sort out his personal life.
    As for Maynard; all I can say is, his business accruements must have lend well into handling Culture and he’s now being Tested. B J Nottage should be PROUD of his student.

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