Based On The Behavior Of Some Of The “Say No” Revs, During The Recent Gender Equality Referundum, It’s Small Wonder That Bahamians In Large Numbers Are Leaving “The Church” In Search Of God


Residents at the Sunday "Yes" VOTE Launch.
Residents at the Sunday “Yes” VOTE Launch.

The behaviour and utterances of some of the ministers of the gospel who opposed gender equality as enshrined in the questions posed in the recently held referendum, was despicable at best.

For me, the issue was very simple: do we wish for men and women citizens of our country to have the same rights under our constitution. What the Revs did was bastardize the entire process by injecting hate and fear into the mix.

One would have thought that these reverend gentlemen would have distanced themselves from the misleading information, hate speeches and behaviour that was generally destructive and only expected from those who are mentally challenged or downright ignorant. But no, to a very large extent they drove the destructive narratives.

To continue to perpetuate inequalities on the transmission of citizenship is mindboggling and leaves us outside the ranks of the enlightened nations of the world. On the fundamental issue of discrimination between the sexes, as a country, we couldn’t get that right as we squandered a wonderful opportunity to improve standing in the international community.

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