Beauties received by the GG…Where is Miss Bahamas? Tourism Craziness



The 2009 Miss Universe Contestants at Government House pose along with Bahamas Governor General, his Excellency Arthur D. Hanna and representatives for The Ministry of Bahamas Tourism. Photo: Tim Aylen


  1. It’s sad that we can’t simply support our own. When other coutries host an event as big as Ms. Universe, it’s citizens support it’s government and display nothing but national pride. Look at the support coutries like the Phillipines and Jamaica are receiving from their country men that live here. Why can’t we as Bahamians put aside differences for one time in our lives and support our government and this beautiful young lady who is doing an awesome job so far. She is performing at her best and should be commended instead of faulted for such silly little matters.

  2. Bahamas Press has just learned that the Miss Universe float parade slated for today was cancelled.

    The Bahamas Minister of Tourism is now an International disgrace. How hard is it to organize a float parade for Ms Universe? It was canceled and the press nor the police informed until they showed up at Arawak Cay.

    The Height of Bahamian WUTLESSNESS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  3. Media the personal attack came long before I decided to question bahamasyouth about their personal attacks on Ms. Kiara Sherman. I am surprise you did not delete the comments when they were first made, I guess you must have overlooked it, because I saw where you had responded to the comment earlier. Anyway, I am just glad to know it took me questioning bahamasyouth motive to bring it to your attention and you finally saw the need to delete them. I guess, it is always better late than never.

  4. @Altec

    You are absolutely right, our government do not check for us. They treat us like we are second class citizens. I mean sometimes a traffic light would not be working for months, before they even think about fixing it. Most of the roads are just deplorable. If they were doing regular maintenance of our streets, they would not have much to do whenever they are hosting any kind of events in the country. Altec, I just think it’s already bad enough that we have to be here trying to cope with such poor conditions, but to invite people from all around the world to see the country looking like this and knowing we are a country that depends strongly on tourism is beyond being ridiculous. I have visited other countries and I could tell you that there are a lot of countries out there that is not doing as good as ours. Some of them I don’t ever want to see again in my lifetime, even if somebody was willing to give me a free ticket to go back. I am just concerned about our guest leaving here having the same feelings that I felt when I visited countries that were not very appealing to me. With us hosting the Miss Universe Pageant that places the country on display for the whole world to be watching us. We are the first country of this size or in the Caribbean to have the privilege to host such an event. I really feel that the government should have taken advantage of this opportunity and promoted the country in a positive light.

  5. The steering committe for this grand venture is doing a deplorable job.Thank God for the International criticism as suddenly they are getting press coverage.Where is Bahamas Information Services?I hope after this venture which I pray is successful that those in authority understand why committees are formulated for undertakings.We have other persons who took part in the beauty contest leading up to Miss Universe who should have been used to greet the contestants.People HAI is not her so you can do your jobs without his shadow dwarfing you.

  6. The Bahamian women has aways OVERCAME odds. We see it over and over again on the world stage with our sports QUEENS, (PAULINE, DEBBIE, SANDRA, TONIQUE, FYNES, E. CLARKE,..etc… and I hope the Minister of Tourism would have a brief video clip to show the world OUR BAHAMIAN BEAUTY QUEENS to the world. This can boost our contestant (Ms. Sherman’s) confidence, as well as put the other contestants on the lookout for our “DARK HORSE”
    By the way, I hope the Minister of Tourism give our sports QUEENS, (PAULINE, DEBBIE, SANDRA, TONIQUE, FYNES, E. CLARKE,..etc… A FREE PASS to Miss Universe!

  7. B.P are usualy accurate but I strong STRONGLY disgaree Ministry of Tourism has anything to do with Miss Bahamas…On Cable 12 a ministry of tourism official stated that Ministry of Tourism wouldve love to see Miss Bahamas at the aiport to greet the contestants but she was doing LAST MIN. PREPERATIONS for Miss universe. She also stated that Bahamains must remember that Keira is Hosting AND a contestant.

    Please tell me what Ministry of Tourism have to do with her not coming to the airport to greet the contestants ( she was there to greet Miss france the first COntestant).

    Please tell me what the ministry of tourism have to do with her not checkin in ATLANTIS PARADISE HOTEl Until Tuesday?

    Please tell me why Keira wasnt even at The Events on MONDAY like Fort Charlotte etc.

    Please tell me why Keira wasnt EVEN AT G.H.?

    Keira is a 25 year old woman common sense wouldve tell her WHAT SHE SHOULDVE DONE… Ministry of Tourism job is not to babysit Miss Bahamas… THEY PERFORMED there duties WITH or WITHOUT Miss Bahamas… Keira shouldve known the INTENERARY/AGENDA for her not to miss the event… HER ACTIONS IS UNEXCUSEABLE and B.P. Must address that because this is HISTORIC.

  8. @Kim Sands
    Kim, bahamian governments bends over backwards to fix up the place for big international events but dont give the same effort for its own citizens.

    They found money to pave a part of west bay st but the pavement on Shirley st passing the old Min of Education building is deplorable. Ambulances have to pass that way to get to PMH on a daily basis. Talk about a bumpy ride! But notice how Dr Hospital has a nice new paved road.

  9. Tonight I had a very rough ride on Shirley Street and I am very disappointed to see that our government decided to leave the roads unfixed with all these people arriving in the country from all over the world. I have seen the contestants on TV and they are saying they are having a wonderful time and how beautiful the country is and that makes me feel very proud to know that they still could appreciate our country despite the conditions of our roads and I would not even talk about that Ghost Town we call Down Town. While I am very happy to hear that these contestants are enjoying themselves, I just hope and pray that they are really impressed with what they are seeing and experiencing and they would take a very good report back with them. Whenever they think about the Bahamas may it bring back some very fond memories for them. I really want to believe the feedback we are getting from their interviews, but I don’t know what to believe. Being a beauty contestant in a foreign country, I just don’t see them coming on TV talking about the things they dislike about our country. I guess if one of them was to come on TV and complain about a rough ride they had experienced while being driven on our streets or the appearance of a building Town Down, that would be very surprising. They might tell us that they are having a blast and by the time they reach back home to their country they might tell a completely different story. I just wish our government did more to prepare for this Miss Universe Pageant. Even if they did not want to do anything much, they could have at least repaired the roads that they know our guest would mostly likely be traveling on. I mean how they could have overlooked Shirley Street and Bay Street, two of the main streets that visitors are mostly on.

  10. We are sure it has nothing to do with her, but the WUTLESS MINISTRY OF TOURISM!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

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