BP supports the Pastor on his decision, but ya gata respect da Bishop!

Nassau, Bahamas — An Anglican priest could be in trouble with his bishop after he walked out of a meeting with the Chief Pastor and Chancellor of the Diocese in the meeting.
Bahamas Press is reporting that trouble has once again erupted in the over the hill parish where the incident unfolded.
Deep inside the church there is concern this morning following the events, which left vestry members in shock.
Bahamas Press taking note of the incident report that the Bishop and Chancellor had appeared at a meeting to instruct the pastor on the structure of the parish. However, it was then when everything went downhill and the Priest-in-Charge picked up and left the room.
BP team deep in the Church tells us, “We are making one full circle yet again. Tensions are high. We await the decision of the High Priest to act. We know someone ga get bless very soon.”
Retirement age for priests is 65, the middle aged pastor has just turned 59, which means the over-da-hill parish could be seeing fadda give communion for the next 6 years.