In which direction could the PLP Chairman be taking the Grand Old Party of the Bahamas?

Roberts could watch his PLP Party descend into chaos and defeat

Nassau, Bahamas — Last week the most shameful and embarrassing experience in democracy took place deep inside the Progressive Liberal Party, when the National Progressive Institute [NPI] held its election.
During that unfortunate, shameful and shameless election observers witnessed padded ballots and voters unknown to the organization cast their votes to elect a team, who some described as having committed the most egregious acts ever in party politics.
Having lost more than 90% of its members and after failing to account to the organization on where the money collected for NPI went, the country is now aware that something seriously must be going wrong deep within the PLP.
More evidence of that desperation for the power hungry Young Turks manifested Monday evening.
A big scuffle with cussing words could be heard as far out as onto Farrington Road at that meeting after officers and members of the PLP organization’s NPI branch almost came near to blows. Members moved for a Vote of No Confidence on the head of the NPI association, Latore Mackey, who brought in a ton of FNMs and padded the elections a week earlier.
We can report before the meeting got heated a strong PLP, Royce Huyler, elevated his review of the NPI for the past year, and began scolding the NPI leadership over having shown little respect for the longstanding party officers and members of the NPI. After that another executive jumped into the heated exchange – which at the time occurred between the Mackey and Huyler.
By that time BP peeped from the roof at the meeting so as to get a better angle of the exchange to report to you the people – a big breakdown began and BP was da fly in da room!
Before you could blink, two of the members were putting hell on Mackey – sounds of cussin words beg to fly and before you knew it everyone was standing on their feet, including the fell they call muscle. The Houdini appointed head of NPI is a former NDP executive member, who some swore is in collusion with the DNA and FNM secretly.
But before chairs could fly, the police called in and BP set to pull the tape at another crime scene – the exchange was parted and the meeting broken up.
“This is the worse I have ever seen the PLP in all my days. There is no respect for young Bahamians. NONE! The self-appointed head of NPI has broken all the rules, failed to account and has no respect for his fellow members. We having more fighting than creating ideas for the country, and if someone from the leadership of the PLP DON’T QUICKLY STEP IN and resolve these matters NPI they could kiss my support goodbye,” one member PLP said as they exited the headquarters.
The PLP for long years have had the misfortune of being seen as the Party with an increasingly disenchanted base. From early 1992, the organization’s involvement with young people appears to have been on a steady decline; making way for new support towards the independent groups to form or collect to the Free National Movement.
Once describe as having collected an elite class which had clung onto power, the PLP somehow developed a brand as being the party of Anti-Whites, Anti-Youth and, some are believing, it is fast becoming ANTI-PLP.
A recent survey taken on the ground in key PLP constituencies reports a shocking loss of support to new first time voters and youth support one year since the May 7th elections. It found that, despite a landslide victory in 2012, where the Party now has collected a 30-seat majority in the Parliament, still votes shared between independents and the opposition FNM proves more and more that Bahamians are shying away from Pindling’s Party. Why is this?
The organization’s resistance to evolve, modernize and attract new base support is troubling and we lay it squarely at the feet of the PLP leadership – FAILURE TO LET THE VOICES OF YOUNG PEOPLE BE HEARD – AND A FAILURE TO SHARE THE LOAD OF ITS NEW GOVERNMENT WITH YOUNG BAHAMIANS WILL ALSO PROVE DEVASTATING FOR THE PARTY IN THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTIONS.
The sorry unfortunate results from the recent NPI elections proves that democracy is bit by bit removed from the PLP, and if young people cannot see transparency and accountability in the branches of the party, then what would it expect from the ruling Government? Much of the same.
In the Monday General Meeting in which the question of money also became the central bone of contention, No one – not even the treasurer – can account for what happened with the supporters’ funds in the past year, nor would the treasurer possess the spine to show up and account!
How does any party expect to lead a 21st Century Bahamas with this kind of JACKASSNESS going on inside it ranks? Someone needs to fix this problem and fix it fast!
Supporters then in that meeting moved for an audit to be done – but before the request can be moved and adopted the meeting was derailed in that exchange and broke up with executives and the disgrace NPI head haulin to the hills.
What is happening in Pindling’s Party? What does the PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts have to say about all this blood on the floor of his organization? Where is the PLP going with all this mess?
Boy I tell ya: If you don’t laugh you will cry – THIS LOOK LIKE ANOTHER ONE TERM PARTY TO US!