Nassau, Bahamas — The FNM “Poofter” who has given himself the name “Me, Myself and I”, was seen doing his last minute shopping before the big storm named Irene at the SuperValue Food Store on the top of the hill on Mackey Street.
The ‘wutless goodfa nuttin’, potential candidate now wants to run in the St. Thomas More Constituency after ditching a seat in southern New Providence.
The big “Poofter” was collecting cream, sausage, bread and a few canned goods in the store.
Looking like a lost puppy with his new title on BP as the “Poofter”, the potential candidate took one shopping bag out of the food store.
The cashier asked him, “So I hear you want run up in St. Thomas More – is that true?” The potential candidate replied, “Yes, I want to be your next MP. Can I get your support?”
The young girl replied, looking straight at the cashing machine, “Well I also hear you is the BIG “POOFTER” – is that true?
With loud suck teeth, the “Poofter” replied, “Now where you get that from?” By this time the entire line of busy hurricane shoppers was eaves dropping on the conversation, some looking cockeyed at the “Poofter”.
The cashier then responded, “I hear you have a record of beating woman and that ya gat couple lil boys who look just like you and I bet right now in all this pending storm, you wouldn’t carrying them a tin of corn beef.”
By this time the big FNM ‘Poofter’ was sweating as if there was some emergency. Hoping the cashier would hurry, the hard-line FNM said not a word as he waited on his change.
The cashier then said, “I hope you lose, you and ya good fa nuttin party.
“Look how selfish you is, Hurricane coming and you coming out of this store with one shopping bag while the current MP for St. Thomas More is out making sure his constituents are sheltered before the storm.”
By this time one shopper yelled, “AMEN!”
The Big ‘Poofter’ ran out of the store and, what was worse, he didn’t give the packing boy a dime!
Bahamas Press warns the people of St. Thomas More; whenever the BIG ‘POOFTER’ comes their way, tell him go look after them children and THAT OTHER constituency he neglected!
serve him right!!!
why are we afraid to confront these so call people who want to offer themselves for public service??
That is the very reason why they treat the populace with such disdain!!.
pratty!! better known as FNM **** **** all y’all see is red , take ya head out ingrum *** so you can see the “class”.
There you go wizard, I rest my case
this MP, stand behind a JUNGLESS PM he use to being insulted, respect start from the top bro! no one have nothing nice to say to those FNM losers!!!
First of all many of you must learn English or at least make an attempt to speak it correctly. To the so called ‘high classed individual,if you are what you say you are, because it is my experience that you folks who claim to have so much have so little or you have and your life’s more messed up than the individual with little. To you sir/madam I say take your sorry attitude else where. Secondly, I think the MP deserved everything he got because unless embarrassed these so called ‘leaders’ will not make an effort to fight for me or you; that is unless you’re chinese or some special interest. Mr. Ingraham so called leader of the FNM and of this once great country is damning us all to hell with his mixed up politics. If I remembered correctly it was Mr.Ingraham who said he’d sell every island in this country except for Rum Cay. A damn drunk.And he has the audacity to parade himself leader of this Bahamas and the great people in it HA; to him I say see your way out. When he is sprawled out and ‘pissy ‘at the Regatta site you won’t hear people say “Fire the Bastard”. Our people have stooped to new lows. There was a time we sold our souls for Ham and turkey, now a bottle of alcohol and we’re happy as can be. Its situations like these that embarress a nation as a whole.
To the cashier I say-Thank You! Thank you for standing up for the people in this country afraid to bring another crazy back to earth to see what people around this country are really going through. To leaders on all sides of the isle, wake up and smell the coffee, the generation of PLP and FNM long time suppoters and fighters are dieing out. The suppoters who vote because they have no other reason to vote because they say I am “PLP” I am “FNM”. The time will come when new voices will rise up and say enough is enough-Now is the time for change.
Let logic be our guide Bahamas. Don’t vote because your mom and dad are in relations with a party, vote for what’s right and the people who stand for something and want to see this country and its people thrive and flourish. Vote for people you know that will lift your voice and demand it be heard.
To my fellow Bahamians do right for yourselves and the future of your kids and their children.
Let us look to the future and let the generations that follow say here was a generation that did right by us.
The way some people are agreeing with this rude cashier is beyond me.A customer comes into your place of work and get personal with him by asking rude and insulting questions.Wow this is just crazy.We are in a service oriented enviroment and this is the kind of person we have representing us.Mr Roberts you have hit rock bottom.As far as the persons that agree with her actions, I say you are worse than her.This has nothing to do with politics just plain common sense.
maybe she doing what she see her leader ingrum do!! lol.
Wizard you have no class and I expect nothing but garbage to come from you
I blame the candidate. I consider myself a high class man, however I know whom to speak to. If I were to go in a grass roots store, the only thing that would come or fall out my mouth is ‘good-day’, ‘excuse me plz’, ‘thank you’ and ‘good-bye’. Absolutely no long talks. Grass roots ppl make it their endeavour in life to embarass persons. The second she start with the bullshit talk, I would have asked for her manager or supervisor.
This sour-azz gal should be fired.
I see why this country is the way it is people too like to cover up shit, the cashier isn’t funny and it isn’t a joke the cashier same to be on a serious note there and I do agree with the cashier we need to embarrass these good for nothing persons who is sitting in the House and being paid for doing nothing. I wonder if it was the other way around and the Big ‘Poofter’ had done it to the cashier doing you think he should get fire? Every voter has the right to tell these good for nothing bunch what’s on their minds. If you embarrass them then they may do better. WE ARE THEIR BOSS SO THEY SUPPOSE TO RESPECT US AND DO OUR WORK.
I see why this country is the way it is people too like to cover up shit, the cashier isn’t funny and it isn’t a joke the cashier same to be on a serious note there and I do agree with the cashier we need to embarrass these good for nothing persons who is sitting in the House and being paid for doing nothing. I wonder if it was the other way around and the Big ‘Poofter’ had done it to the cashier doing you think he should get fire? Every voter has the right to tell these good for nothing bunch what’s on their minds. If you embarrass them then they may do better. WE ARE THEIR BOSS SO THEY SUPPOSE TO RESPECT US AND DO OUR WORK.
While I do agree with the cashier’s sentiments, that was not the time nor place for this kind of reaction. The customer is KING and should be treated as such. As a front line representative of Super Value, her personal views should be kept to herself.
Super Value owes the customer an apology and I hope they deal with the cashier.
We must learn to separate the politics from business.
when the “leader” of the FNM cuss out williams in john bull no one ask to fire him! the FNM get plenty ass wipe boy!!!
That cashier should have been fired right on the sport. In my book she is so rude that she does not belong i front line customer service No wonder we are suffering so much embarrassment from our tourist. Charity begins at home.To those who thought she was funny you are just as ignorant as her.
I hope Mr Roberts fired such a rude cashier. She should not be working in front line customer service.
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