Bimini teachers on strike on opening day!



Students of Bimini talking with police (file photo).

Breaking news coming out of Bimini confirms that educators at the Bimini All Age School are on strike. Teachers argue that the school is overcrowded with multiple repairs need at the school. The section of the school destroyed during the riot is still yet to be repaired. “We cannot work in these conditions we are in. There has not been one repair at the school during the whole summer and now school is open and we are asked to teach overcrowded classrooms in disrepair? These is unacceptable conditions,” the teacher told Bahamas Press.

Before 10AM students all over the island was returning home. Minister of Education Carl Bethel again lied to the people of the Bahamas when he suggested, The schools would be ready for the big opening day.


  1. these teacher needs 2 stop if the school is no quit ready .i advise still teach da student,because u r messin up der career.if your reflect back in those days our grand parents didn’t had any thing .and they weren’t complaining.and they still get there education…..why should we complaing the government onli doin all he can…let us stop worry about wat da government can do let us do wat we have 2…thays why i can say dis country is in da position its is 2 day because we don’t no how 2 be thamkful of wat we get..

  2. Its a shame that the children have to suffer in all of this. They are losing days of learning.

    Again, I am sure the government must have had a complaint from this principle and the teachers. Why did the government decide NOT to do anything about it before the school year began? Negligence!!!

  3. situation still remains the same in bimini and it a correction its a sit out in bimini .Parents and teachers still await the arrival of Mr. Dean from Grand Bahama and Mrs Wilson from nassau to look into the matter. Parents are still upset at principle for making decission without teachers and parents knowing .Something must be done NOWWWW !

  4. Here is an article one would not hear or read in all of the ‘WULTESS MEDIA’. A graduating student of a school in ABACO told Bahamas Press that trouble is brewing at a government high school in ABACO.

    “Last semester 75% of the students graduated [at the school in Abaco] were all none Haitian born. It is soo bad, students knowing English are held back to accommodate the creole speaking ones. Many of them know not a single word of English and is causing the system to collapse. Ministry of Education have also force Bahamian educators to return to the classrooms to learn creole.

    “Now this is the state of our system in Abaco, and this is creating a breakdown of the learning environment here in ABACO. Further it is causing a community war between residents in the Pigeon Pea and Mud community, and the outside Abaco community.”

    Bahamians only heard of how schools were opened, and how classes are ready, but no one is talking about the collapse now faced in the places of learning like Abaco where the situation is getting UGLY.


    Bahamas Press/ Editor

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