Bishop Gomez: People don’t know the difference between ‘mine and thine’


criminals-gib-mccArchbishop Rt. Rev. Drexel Gomez made a statement some years ago that resonates in our minds to this day. The Bishop said we are living in a time when people don’t know the difference between ‘mine and thine’. This is true.

This week we saw another series of arraignments before the courts. One was an officer of the court and the other an officer of the law. Both arraigned for being GREEDY! Residents of this country must seriously ask themselves, WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THIS TOWN WITH ALL THIS GREEDINESS OVERTAKING OUR SOCIETY?

Why can’t lawyers and others accept the proverb and live simple to simply live? Why cannot police officers accept that they are not just to enforce the law, but they must emulate law and order? They are to embody it! Where are we going with all these officers THIEFIN PEOPLE MONEY!?bishop-gomez

Donavan Gibson we now know was a lawyer in Alexiou, Knowles and Co. The 30 year-old Winton Meadows resident pleaded not guilty, but look what Manny them catch him doing.

Gibson is alleged to have stolen $80,000 from the firm and defrauding another $170,000 persons accounts. Some would say that’s GOOD for MANNY, but how could Gibson think he would get away in doing such a thing? Like a rap sheet it took Magistrate Rodger Gomez one solid hour to read the charges.

Gibson had joined the firm in 2003. His primary focus is in the area of Civil/Commercial Litigation but he also has an extensive practice in the Law of Conveyancing, Family Law and Employment Law. He obtained his LLB with Upper Second Class Honors from the University of West Indies in 2001 and was called to The Bahamas Bar in 2003. But with all this extensive scholarly training how is it one cannot come out being HONEST? Boy, the devil really gat some people hook nah.

Today Gibson is practicing at Lockhart and Munroe, boy! trouble mussy does follow this fella.

emanuel_alexiou-copyThen with all the examples of Pleasant Bridgewater, Elvian McClain ,23, allegedly decided to extort money from Stephanie Glinton. McClain now joins the distinguish list of police officer who every week in this country are hauled before the courts for thiefin, beating, shooting, killing some innocent victim or hauling someone drugs.

The crime committed by McClain we understand occurred on May 21st.

Now this is DISGRACFUL! This is SHAMEFUL! This is SICKING when we see what people, who should embody LAW AND ORDER, are letting this country down and sink it to new lows. Rather, they’re choosing the paths of LOWNESS AND DISORDER!

What are we as a country going to do when the police, the lawyer and the preacher failed to know the difference between ‘mine and thine’? Yes, we as a nation are on life support and are DYING A SLOW DEATH!


  1. A POLICE officer was yesterday charged with having unlawful sexual intercourse with two teenage girls.

    Constable Kenroy Woolery appeared before Grand Bahama Magistrate Debbye Ferguson in Court 1, where he was charged with three counts of unlawful sexual intercourse.

    He was not required to enter a plea to the charges.

    Woolery is accused of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a
    15-year-old sometime in May 2009 and again on June 5.

    On count three, it is alleged Woolery had unlawful sexual intercourse with another 15-yearold on June 1.

    The prosecutor in the case also pointed out that Woolery is on $10,000 bail for a previous matter in Court 2 concerning possession of an illegal firearm.

    Woolery has been interdicted from the police force pending the outcome of the matters which are before the courts.

    Lawyer Carlson Shurland urged the court to grant his client bail.

    He explained that Woolery was charged under Section 11 which falls under Part A of the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, and not under Section B or C, which cover more serious offences.

    Mr Shurland also questioned why the prosecution had not dealt with the unlawful sexual intercourse matters when they had initially charged Woolery with firearm possession.

    “It was a deliberate and strategic move by the police to make sure that he is caught by this section and denied bail,” he said.

    Mr Shurland expressed great concern for his client’s safety if remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison in Fox Hill.

    “He is a policeman, and over the course of his career he would have made arrests and come in contact with criminal elements in society.

    “He is also a witness against persons who are on remand,” he said.

    Mr Shurland also noted that there is no evidence that Woolery would interfere with witnesses or commit an offence while on bail.

    He said that Woolery has adhered to all conditions previously put in place by another Magistrate.

    “He is a model person and that bodes well for him being put on bail,” his lawyer said.

    The prosecution had no objection to bail as long as Woolery does not have contact with the witnesses.

    However, the court denied him bail.

    The matter was adjourned to December 9, 2009.

  2. Magistrate Gomez has transferred the case to Magistrate Ancella Evans-Williams and she will set a date for trial on August 6. McClain has been suspended from his duties on the Force and placed on half-pay pending the conclusion of his case.

    Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Reginald Ferguson has reinstated three policemen who were charged before the court earlier this month.

    Corporal Chester Atherley was accused of robbing Kifftino Davis of $600 while armed with a handgun, and constables Elkin Sherman, 26, and Freddie Lightbourne, 28, were accused of attempting to extort money from Davis the day after the hold-up.

    Magistrate Gomez later discharged the cases against the men after Davis testified he had no interest in pursuing the matter. Commissioner Ferguson reinstated the men on Tuesday.

    Thursday, July 30, 2009

  3. It looks like all kind of criminals trying to be lawyers and law enforcement officers now. No wonder why we can’t figure out who are doing most of these crimes, because they know just how to cover up their tracks. That Gibson boy gone mess himself right up when he decided to go fool around with Manny‘s money. He must be thought he would have been able to cover his track and Manny wouldn‘t of been able to detect it. That boy just got called to the bar the other day. Manny is a man who been in the business for years, he isn’t no Johnny come lately to the business. Don’t try to pull no tricks on him, because Manny wrote the book. He knows it from front to back. That boy head couldn’t have been too good. How he could expect to just finish law school and to be on the same page as Manny? What kind of people they calling to the Bar these days? Lawd, I might as well go try be Lawyer, but the only thing is I am not into that lying business and I don’t believe in promoting foolishness, if I know you guilty, I can’t see me standing up there trying to defend you. I am too decent to be a lawyer. Oh no, you better try and tell the truth. I strongly believe if you did the crime, you should spend the time.

  4. I am shocked that due diligence was not practiced by Munroe &Lockhart b4 the accused man was emplioyed at their law firm.It is possible that Munroe withdrew from being President of the Bar copuncil on discovering this malfeance by Gibson.I wait to see the outcome of these latest cases bcos after all our Court system is deplorable and these cases are at the bottom of the thousands pending for many years.

  5. Even though Manny is a very, very, very, very, very, very mean and coldhearted person he did not deserve this. He might have hurt a lot of people in his lifetime, he still do not deserve this. I think if somebody gives you a job to do, the last thing you should do is turn around and steal from them. You may think they are nothing more than a crook themselves, but you still should not render evil for evil. This young man might have been called too bar, but he isn’t to bright. What make him believe he was going to get away with this, he must don’t know Manny. That man enjoys counting his money. I really believe that is his favorite hobby. He is like a hog when it comes to his money. If you move a penny from Manny, he will miss it. He must be thought Manny had too much money and he was not going to noticed aye? Trust me, Manny been on to him long time, he just was giving him a long rope and a short catch.