Transition to new leadership at Mount Tabor is FULL STEAM AHEAD Bishop Ellis confirms…with installation of new senior pastor by January 2023!

NASSAU| Breaking News coming out of the powerful Mount Tabor Baptist Church tonight confirms Bishop Neil Clarence Ellis shall demit office as the senior pastor with a new Senior Pastor being installed in January 2023!
Bahamas Press reported incorrectly last evening taking a huge credibility risk in a report which suggested that plans had been deferred! THAT WAS NOT TRUE!
Our report was incorrect, wrong, and irresponsible, and therefore, we want to publicly apologize to the Good DECENT Bishop Ellis and his family, and the entire membership of the church for that false report. Since this update, all publication suggesting a change in the transition to new leadership has been removed from all pages across our network.
BP’s senior editor took control of this latest update and entered into direct conversation with the leader of Mount Tabor Bishop Ellis, who outlined his directive from the LORD to step down as Senior Pastor some 10 years ago.
Bishop Ellis said, that directive to demit office has not changed. “For the past 9 years since my conversations with the Lord, I have entered into a lengthy exit strategy as leader of the Church, and plans to demit have not changed!”
On December 11th, 2022 a special service to mark the occasion of this transition in leadership will take place at the Bahamar Convention Centre in Cable Beach. Final plans to conclude that global event is near complete and that shall take place Bishop Ellis confirmed.
This year Mount Tabor marked its 35th Anniversary of Christian Witness in the Bahamas and around the world.
This week the church began a prayerful period for this transition into new leadership.
Back in February 1987, Bishop Ellis and his wife Patrice Ellis along with eleven charter members organized the then Mount Tabor Union Baptist Church which has now blossomed into a global fellowship with scores of churches around the world under his Ministry.
We report yinner decide!