BJC/BGCSE Award Honourees Praised for Achieving “Optimum Results”


Director of Education, Lionel Sands presents Jana McCardy of Queen’s College with a plaque at the 2015 BJC and BGCSE National Awards Presentation Ceremony.  Ms. McCardy was the 2015 Independent School Candidate with the Best BJC Overall Results.  She received 8As and 1B.  (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)
Director of Education, Lionel Sands presents Jana McCardy of Queen’s College with a plaque at the 2015 BJC and BGCSE National Awards Presentation Ceremony. Ms. McCardy was the 2015 Independent School Candidate with the Best BJC Overall Results. She received 8As and 1B. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)

NASSAU, Bahamas — Minister of Education, Science and Technology the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald told award honourees at the 2015 BJC and BGCSE National Awards Presentation Ceremony that they have shown they were willing to make sacrifices and organise their activities to allow time for them to complete their studies with optimum results.

“Just know that this is only the beginning of a lifetime of hard work and dedication. A lifetime of success and luck awaits you if you continue to prepare and be diligent,” Minister Fitzgerald said at the ceremony at the Church of God Convention Centre, Monday, January 25.

Junior school students in the country take the Bahamas Junior Certificate (BJC) examinations, while senior high school students sit the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) examinations.

During his remarks, the Minister referenced Malcolm Gladwell, the Canadian journalist, author and award winning speaker’s book called “Outliers: The Story of Success.”

Minister Fitzgerald said, “In the chapter entitled, ‘The Trouble with Geniuses,’ Gladwell opines that intelligence can only take a person so far. Gladwell reaffirms that even though we put a lot of emphasis on natural talent and genius when it comes to successful people, we often leave out the idea that success comes in part from intelligence and talent but mostly from creativity and hard work.”

The Minister added, “Honourees, never let your gifts and your accomplishments get in the way of your own progress. Never become lackadaisical and complacent and believe that your natural talent is good enough to bring you success.”

He told them that they have listed their hopes and aspirations in the commemorative booklet for all to see. “I encourage you to let your word be your bond. You have chosen to be the leaders of our country for the 21st century. You have activated your dreams, now you must execute the tasks that will bring them to fruition.”

Minister Fitzgerald said, “Remain focused on your goals, concentrate on the tasks ahead, work harder than those around you and you will experience success as you walk down the path that leads to fulfillment.”

Sujith Swarna, presently attending Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia and formerly a student of Forest Heights Academy, Abaco, received the Carol Hanna Award for Best Overall Performance in the 2015 BGCSE Examinations Independent Schools, and the Paul Adderley Award for Best BGCSE Overall Performance in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

Mr. Swarna who wants to be a cardiovascular surgeon received 11As and one B.

Cecelia Cartwright, presently attending The College of The Bahamas and former student of N.G.M. Major High School, Long Island, received the Best Overall Performance in the 2015 BGCSE Examinations Government Schools.

Ms. Cartwright who wishes to be a certified public accountant received 8As and one C.

The Government School Male Candidate with overall Best BJC Results 2015 went to Armani Weise of C. H. Reeves Junior High School with 8As. Mr. Weise also received the 2015 Government School Candidate with Best BJC Overall Results.

Jana McCardy of Queen’s College received the 2015 Independent School Candidate with the Best BJC Overall Results. She received 8As and 1B.

Ms. McCardy also went home with the Candidate with Overall Best BJC Results in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas 2015.

Subject awards were also given during the ceremony and students who received 5As and above in subject areas in their BJC and BGCSE examinations received honourable mention by obtaining certificates during the ceremony.

District Superintendent for the Northwest District Howard Newbold, presents Cecelia Cartwright, presently attending The College of The Bahamas and former student of N.G.M. Major High School, Long Island with a plaque at the 2015 BJC and BGCSE National Awards Presentation Ceremony.  Ms. Cartwright had the Best Overall Performance in the 2015 BGCSE Examinations Government Schools.  (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)
District Superintendent for the Northwest District Howard Newbold, presents Cecelia Cartwright, presently attending The College of The Bahamas and former student of N.G.M. Major High School, Long Island with a plaque at the 2015 BJC and BGCSE National Awards Presentation Ceremony. Ms. Cartwright had the Best Overall Performance in the 2015 BGCSE Examinations Government Schools. (BIS Photo/Raymond A. Bethel, Sr.)