Body found with head decapitated, another gruesome murder



The body of a male fully clad was found dead with the victim’s head decapitated and missing at the in the South Beach canal floating. The victim discovered Saturday evening could not be identified. This is a second murder in a week where a person was checking their property and discovered a dead victim in the area of their land. The male victim was fully clad wearing tennis shoes when discovered. Police are said to be still investigating.


  1. Obviously if the body is found, and the head is missing clearly it is a murder it seems as though bahamains get stupider an stupider as the days go by. We have lost our common sense an keen instincts to the facts around us. Understand that this publisher is simply trying to give us the truth of the matter, and words given to the public is anylized and chosen careful to protect the names of those above us when someone is enlighting you of what is really going on around you take the time out to listen and use the information wisely. I for one as a unknowlegeable bahamian citizen of this matter would personally like to thank this publisher for this helpful information of what i think is really going on!!!!

  2. What is wrong with you? Who says that the head was “amputated”? Are you just making facts up as you go? How do you know that this was a murder? The facts from what yo are reporting are a body with its head missing was found.That’s it.

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