Bosses Eye Sawyer for Dismissal as He Seeks “Yes-Homo” Our TV News – BRANDED NOW AS BP “SISSYVILLE NEWS”!


More Cable 12 employees are getting ready to leave the organization


NASSAU| Bosses at the now scandal-ridden Cable 12 Newsbreak or Our TV are taking a second look at the hiring of former ZNS anchorman, Jerome Sawyer, who is now on a mission to hire all of this POOFTAH BEDROOM BUDDIES and parade them around the newsroom. Instead of “No-Homo” Sawyer says, “Yes-Homo” WHAT IS DIS!!!??

Bahamas Press has been reliably informed that, acting on complaints from staff, EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT called Sawyer into a meeting, warned and advised him that they were on to his little game and they were not having it. 

STAFF at the failing news agency had a secret meeting with management and told them how uncomfortable they were with a certain POOFTAH hanging over them as they worked, knowing what his sexual agenda is. The POOFTAH hired by Sawyer does no work, but only wants to sit in front of the camera, put on makeup and order staff around using programs he conducted at Eye Witness News where he was fired from. 

BP also learned that Sawyer has to now rethink his hiring list as there are names of about six KNOWN POOFTAHS on that list including a certain cameraman who shaves his eyebrows and wears lipstick and tight pants, resembling a woman. WHAT IN DA HELL IS DIS?? MERCY!!!

Staff also told EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT that Sawyer has brought about serious LOW MORALE since he took over the management of the station, taking opportunities for himself and his POOFTAH buddy, that other staff should have. 

Not long ago, at least four key broadcast personnel left the organization to work for the government and other places each of them said they took the opportunity because they could not longer work with Sawyer as he only looks out for himself and anyone in the organization he suspects is a POOFTAH. Kyle Walkine was one of them who left. 

Walkine went to Foreign Affairs and has since left there as well. BP has an eye on Walkine as he might be the problem. Walking was one who had a “special relationship” with Sawyer, too. WELL LOOK AT BOO BOO DAY!!?? WHAT IS DIS??!! POOFTAHS PARADE IN SESSION!!!!

BP also learned that more Cable 12 employees are getting ready to leave the organization so we are watching the scenes as they unfold. Sawyer is the problem and who can’t see that is either a problem as well or just a plain and simple POOFTAH too. 

We Report!! Yinna Decide!!