'Box Fish Head Monk' [Ingraham] now DELUSIONAL!



Hubert Ingraham must be delusional telling a member of the press, he has a steady hand?

Nassau, Bahamas: Bahamians were on cable TV giving their five cents on the recession brought on by the Hubert ‘Box Fish Head Monk’ Ingraham. Many appeared afraid as they used the words “GET RID OF, FIRE and IT BAD!”

But whilst Bahamians were using all kinds adjectives to describe the RECESSION now upon The Bahamas, the ‘Box Fish Head Monk’ was exclusively telling Candia Dames, a journalist at the Nassau Guardian, the following;

“Nobody likes to be in office during bad times,” Ingraham said.

“In my case, it is better for The Bahamas that I’m in office than for the PLP to have been in office at this time. I’ve got the experience. I’ve got the support.

“I’ve got the knowledge to be able to have a steady hand, to be able to steer The Bahamas through this crisis, not to over-react, to do all that we can do, not to do more than we can do, not to put us in a position when this crisis passes that we have to end up being in the position to pay for it for years and years to come, not to mortgage the future of the children and grandchildren of The Bahamas, to be able to take care of the present crisis.”

What is clear from this statement by Ingraham is that he is no longer in denial that he has driven the Bahamian economy into a recession, but is now DELUSIONAL that he can bring us out what he drove us in?

Hubert Ingraham has done this to the Bahamian people!

Ingraham started this RECESSION when he STOPPED, CANCELLED and REVIEWED over $90 million in capital development works for carpenters, painters, plumbers, masons, and contractors. Jobs that would have employed THOUSANDS in 2007 into 2008, strengthening the local economy.

Ingraham started all this when he canceled construction on the Straw Market and terminated the Bay Street redevelopment programme, again stopping more work for the unemployed.

Hubert Ingraham pressed this recession upon the residents of Salina Point, Acklins when he canceled the construction of a needed school in 2007, terminating work for the residents and running away the investor from that island.

It was Ingraham, not Christie, who stopped and caused  over $20 billion in anchor development projects throughout The Bahamas to be stopped, projects such as the Royal Island Development, The I-Group, and Baha Mar.

Ingraham started all this when he oversaw the termination of over 1,200 temporary government workers, INCLUDING A CRIPPLED MOTHER in 2007.


And now the ‘BOX FISH HEAD MONK’ is all over the media – in his delusional state – talking ’bout’ his hand is steady? Yes, Bahamas Press knows its steady because it has overseen the FIRING UPON hundreds of workers in this country. That steady hand has choked Bahamians as like MUGABE AND AMIN had choked their people into deep poverty and despair! That same steady hand has delivered a BLOW to the head of thousands, who cannot buy food, cannot pay the high electricity bills, cannot meet their mortgage and rent, cannot pay school fees this January and  hundreds who now cannot find jobs.

Bahamas Press warned the steady hand man to STOP his WUTLESS assault on the masses of this country! We have said many times before he [Hubert Alexander Ingraham] has done this to the Bahamian people! And the sad part is, THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME Ingraham has done this to the Bahamian people. WE MUST BE SUCKERS FOR PUNISHMENT!!


  1. Morehands, from the last section of your post look like you trying to say Joe Blow is actually Hubert Ingraham.

  2. Ahhh well look at ‘MOREHANDS’. Call the fly on the wall and he starts BUZZING LIKE A BEE. LOL!

    Calling us on BP a dollhouse, saying we is the mummy and the daddy. Well at least we ain’t the WUTLESS CHIRRIN [‘Toilet Paper Tribune and Muppet Show ZNS] who practicing GUTTER TABLOID Journalism in this country with fake sources, spin and LIES gone ta BED!

    And if we playing dolly house, can you tell us what you doing here? Trying to stop ‘The BOX HEAD MONK and THE PUSSY CAT‘ from playing church ech?

    Don’t you play around in here, Mommy and Daddy does CUT BACKSIDES! PLP and FNM!

    BP/ Editor

    PS: like thousands others, they watching by the minute what on BP, but only BOLD soldiers dare to make posts!

  3. I’m not missing in action. Just too busy to comment lately and frankly I feel that most objective thought on this blog is a waste of time because everyone has their minds made up before they read an entry. But, every day or so I do log in to see whats going on in the BP dollhouse. I am glad to see you still playing mommy and daddy with Media. And now yall pick up someone who is more than willing to play the dirty mouth, self-centered, self-praising alcoholic uncle with over zealous political goals. What a joke!!

  4. Joe Blow you are getting like our brother More Hands who is now officially MIA from this blog. Stop being so protective of H.I. like an Ingrahamite. Everyone catches blows on this blog.

    You are smarter than that Joe Blow…..much smarter.

  5. HI thinks that we all are just so stupid!

    He met with those persons at Atlantis and did NOTHING to stop them from layingoff hundreds of people but now all of a sudden he wants us to believe that he cares about what happens to us???

    I wrote something on another site or maybe it was here, about how HI’s address on the economy was carefully planned one or two days prior to the mass layoffs at Atlantis because HI knew that the people would have called for him to address the nation when the layoffs started!

    He avoided all the questions by making his address before the layoffs took place and has a chance for things to cool down before he has to face the press!!

    After allowing Atlantis to do its damage, HI is now saying that they may loose some of their conssesions if they terminate anymore employees… What a big joke!!!

    Now that the damage has been done, HI is now telling other employers to try their best not to layoff anymore workers…

    Does anyone else out their believe like I do that those other employers will NOT listen to him???

  6. Something just crossed my mind….How often do we stop to say “Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy’?

  7. Okay let’s put and end to this once and for all. ALL WHO THINKS JOE BLOW IS GAY DO JUST POST A ? MARK

  8. Hey guys, as I see it, people expected the PLP government to be the Perfect Government. By the quotes I have read on here, the PLP site and also the FNM site. We claim that we Fired the PLP because of the conduct of the MPs and Christie soft touch to leadership. Never in my life i have seem Cabinet Ministers actually work to make things better. Mr Christie Cabinet was one of the smartest Cabinet sinse the first ministers under Sir Lynden. They worked hard to move the country forward. Yes the PLP did not do what was expected of them under the brand name as the “New PLP” but we must confess, that they put Country first no matter their personal obstacles they faced. We elected a Tired Prime Minister under a slogan called Matter of Trust, Proven Leadership. We baught in to the unprepared party who slapped candidates together who would have been able to viciously attack the then Government. Most of the scandals that was thrown at the PLP was from the FNM Lie Factor with tremendous help of the Tribune. It is sad to admit that the PLP never faught them off so it appeared as if they were guilty. However, As we compare the two first years of the PLP and the FNM, we can see that the government that was of progress was the PLP. The FNM sad to say was not prepared to Govern but to deceive the country by their money and lies. In our Country, we know that lies are easier to believe than the truth hence they won by under 200 votes. We must be careful when we choose governments n our Country. It can cause you 5 years…

  9. Mr. Archer for someone who is claiming to be a prospective candidate for 2012, I expected better from you. You are no different that the M.Ps you lambast here every day. Remember, whatever you post on the w.w.w you cannot take back.

    As said by you:
    “I also just found out that a sitting MP and Cabinet Minister gave the young man $600 which he used to purchase the gun to shoot me. I was shocked when one of his top campaign
    generals who was there during the money exchange actually confirmed the monies were given to this thief.”

    I hope this is not the meat of your case. Any Lawyer should have a field day, tearing up this statement and the so called witnesses.

    If you keep posting your foolishness on this site, by 2012 the people in Kennedy will not want to hear your name. This is exactly what the Bahamian people are tired of.

    A word of advice “the higher the monkey climb, the more he exposes his behind.” I think you are almost high enough to touch the coconuts!

  10. And I hope JOE sees, we are not DELUSIONAL like his ‘BOX HEAD MONK brother! Nor do we stifle democracy like the Tribune and KILL letters to the editor.

    We allow GREAT freedom and democracy on Bahamas Press!

    And what a FRESH AIR IT IS…..


  11. rb75: You have every right to be proud of everything the PLP has done to move this country forward. Having said that, we must also acknowledge those good things the FNM has done. Then we must acknowledge the good that those outside the political realm have done. We all are the government and as the good is our legacy so is the bad. If we do not learn from our mistakes then we will repeat them. When Ms. Butler/Turner said just perhaps this crisis had some good in it, many people jumped on her. She was only trying to let people know that it is in adversity that people show their strengths (or weaknesses). We can grow from this adversity. To keep harping on others’ mistakes only serves the purpose to excuse so many of us from acting to make the changes that are necessary. All our energy gets tied up in blame and shame. It is the same with the slavery issue. We harken back to it and often use it as an excuse to not take responsibility for where we are today. Don’t forget the past but use it for positive action and not as a reason to stop moving forward. We rode the wave of what some perceive as the good times and believe it was the good governence of the PLP. Yet, I recall many decrying the crime wave that increased, the dissatisfacton with the school system, the proliferation of drugs, the immigration problems, the inaction and rudeness of the civil service persons, certain MP’s actions that were to the contrary of the law, and so much more. Should we continue to harp on them and lay blame or will we acknowledge them and take the necessary steps to move forward? There are many changes that must be made and we have the strength and wisdom to make those changes and we must acknowledge that it will take everyone of us to make the effort if we are to be successful. Mr. Ingraham is our brother and while we might not agree with some of his ways, we are called to show him love and respect even as we point out where he went wrong and then offer to assist him to do better. Is that so much to ask?

  12. Bahamas` Economic Outlook Revised To Negative

    Ratings agency, Standards & Poor`s, on Monday revised to negative, its economic outlook on The Bahamas.

    Standard & Poor’s said unemployment in The Bahamas has worsened significantly and the country’s asset quality is deteriorating.

    The rating could drop lower if the U.S. impact on the tourism and construction sectors increased, analysts said.

    `We revised the outlook to reflect our concerns over the rapidly slowing economic growth in The Bahamas and its impact on the sovereign’s fiscal and the country’s external accounts,` the S&P statement said. `More importantly, the country’s inherently weak economic structure – linked to its dependence on one product (tourism accounts for more than 60 percent of GDP and employs over 50 percent of labor force) and one market (U.S. tourists account for 87 percent of the total)–exacerbates the current downturn and puts more pressure on the policy response.`

    S&P Credit Research provides analysis on issuers and debt obligations of corporations, states and municipalities, financial institutions, insurance companies and sovereign governments.


    PS: Bahamas Press thought this story would have lead in our report this morning, however we decided to go with the ‘Ingraham Delusional’ piece.

  13. Smart? Joe Smart? The blogger equates the word ‘lotion’ with him being labeled as a homosexual. There is nothing SMART ABOUT that kind of thinking. TO US THAT IS THE HEIGHT OF DUMBNESS!


  14. Again Joe the mighty plumber, you come in here hoping your SPIN on our information will work. Well guess what, where were you when Bahamas Press from October LAST YEAR, right on this BLOG offered the solution to the ‘BOX HEAD MONK’ and told him to STOP firing Bahamians as it would follow soon in the LOCAL business community?

    Where were you JOE when we asked the government in October of 2007 to reconsider it CANCEL/Review policy as it would accelerate the pending recession?

    Where were you when Bahamas Press offered the solution to the Ingraham government and noted at the time, that stalling the many anchor development projects would crippled this economy?

    And where were you when we asked the government to reconsider its MASS DISCONNECTION POLICY, which left near 6,000 BEC consumers in to pitch darkness, a policy approved in the CABINET ROOM by the Ingraham government?

    So don’t come on this blog talking HORSERADISH about us PLAYING A BLAME GAME! We noted this to our readers when Members of the WUTLESS MEDIA said it was lies and when Ingraham’s #2 man in the ministry of finance (the Crybaby) said the economy will grow by 4% in 2008! Bahamas Press called it HOGWASH!

    Laing was wrong, Ingraham was wrong, The WUTLESS ‘TOILET PAPER’ Tribune was wrong and NOW you ‘JOE’ is with them all?

    Bahamas Press offered many messages of SOLUTIONS from LAST YEAR OCTOBER, Who listened? Certainly NOT the Government, and you think we expect them to respect what we say now?

    We have one solution for ‘the box head monk’ RESIGN and rid this country of your TERROR!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor
    PS: thanks for the correction!

  15. Folkes as I sit at my desk and read the posting here sometimes I feel that we are still a great country and everyone that lives here have a right to his or her opinion…that said Joe I agree with you that it does not matter if you are FNM or PlP just the avearge Joe Citizen that counts but Joe there is a huge but.. when you went through one of the best economic period that any nation could off have, a robust foreign investmnet climate second to none in this part of the world record gdp growth and a the highest levels of foreign reserves, then to go from this in just 18 months to a negative let me say it again NEGATIVE growth for the love of God the first step is to blame the person that got us here.

    That person is Hubert Ingrahm …Let me say yes Iam a PLP and Iam proud off it if the FNM had lets say kept the 90 Million alive and went ahead with Bahamar and then this happend and then Harrahs had said that they will have to pull out or stop the project then we would have understood but Joe this did not happend instead Mr Dictator Prime Minister who was clearly out of touch on how business was to be conducted stood up in Parliament and said in few words that he had no confidance in Harrahs a worldwide billion dollar operation .

    Joe I beleive that you are a smart person and yes you are right that we should work together to solve thi problem ….But Joe what Hubert Ingrahm has done to this country is nothing short of treason he has commited treason and by that charge should be impeached if we had that law in our constitution.

  16. many fnm’s i know are calling the prime minister a big buffoon. if the prime minister really believe’s he is most suited at this time to lead the bahamas then quite clearly he is out of touch

    when you hear person’s calling for a generational shift in leadership, or new leadership, put simply, and succintly, it means that the current one is not working.

    and that has been the rallying cry in the last few months

  17. Media: You are quite correct when you say I never SEEK to amaze you. I believe you mean CEASE. I explained what “lotion” meant in my day. So I need have no guilt on that count. You are guilty of deflecting from the main point and that is that while you continue to reflect on every perceived notion of what has caused the crisis you do and say nothing that will rectify the problem. If name calling and blame is all you can do, then you play no effective role in getting the country back on its feet. And whether FNM or PLP or just Joe Citizen that should be our goal.

  18. Joe you never seek to amaze us, BUT THE TRUTH HURTS! And For you it hurts soo bad until we can be talking about ‘lotion’ and you think people are calling you a homosexual. GUILTY????

    Bahamas Press needs not have a weekend with PLPs to find out the state of the country Ingraham has drove us into. Just ask any member of the Ingraham Cabinet and they would say the same. Ask any member of the Free National Movement or better still, ask any person who in this community and they will AGREE with what we say in this last post.


    Bahamas Press/Editor

  19. The Problem in our country is that this man Mr Ingrahm is not putting country above self right now according to Standard and Poor or S&P as it is called has issued a negative rating growth for the Bahamas and of course you had someone from the FNM being in the Person of the BHA executive director saying that this is normal for such a time that we are in he even stated that the USA has been issued such a rate….Now for the life of me these people think that Bahamians are either stii stuck in the seventies or just stupid …It was S&P that predicted that if the Bahamas kept the projected investment and projected projects that for the first time in our history the U.S econmy may have downturn but beacause of the Investemnt in the country that the blow would have been cushioned.

    Iam no economist but I can see when one plus one equal two.

    Ladies and Gents right now Iam listening to Ed Fields on more fm and right now he is speaking a baunch of nonsense for the love of God he is trying to juistify the laying off of 850 Bahamaians while his Boss awas partying in Dubai with the money that was made of and on the backs of the Bahamian people and yet we stand by and nothing is said in some other language that I may not use here there is words for men like Ed Fields and Sol Kersnor.

  20. The most handicapped person in the world is the negative thinker. It appears BP spent the week-end with his PLP friends stirring up the tired old pot of negative propaganda. Bereft of any constructive suggestions they must resort to name-calling, innuendo and fabrication in their fear of reality. They choose to be the victims of circumstances, persons who don’t have a chance. So sad!

  21. I also just found out that a sitting MP and Cabinet Minister gave the young man $600 which he used to purchase the gun to shoot me. I was shocked when one of his top campaign
    generals who was there during the money exchange actually confirmed the monies were given to this thief. I am certain the truth will come out during the trial, which begins this Friday in court #5. Guess who will be there, I said the bold one. Justice will be served. I would have it no other way.

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