BP Endorsed Candidate Leads in Every Poll


Ryan Pinder copyNassau, Bahamas — Whenever you hear on the eve of an election ZNS talk show host on Immediate Response talking with Ronnie Bulter then you know the FNM will lose.

When you could open the Punch and read The White Files and see the writer talking about someone who dead on the eve of an historic election, then you know the FNM will lose. When you see the ghost candidate [Duane Sands] cannot be found and is confused as to how many kids he have, then you definitely know the FNM has lost Lizzy to the PLP.

Polls taken on the by-election in Lizzy all point to Ryan Pinder as the winner. The Tribune poll conducted this week confirmed Pinder as the front-runner going into the Elizabeth by-election. ZNS did a text-in poll on the weekend. Word is when the results came in, Duane Sands trailed far behind and therefore, ZNS decided not to announce the numbers until polling close tomorrow. And we KNOW WHY.

But the most shocking of all polls is our BP/Cardiff poll. Ryan Pinder has consistently kept the lead. Pinder for the last two weeks has stayed above 60% of voters.

BP projects Pinder will win by a landslide.

Poll Tribune

The results from the Tribune today.


  1. After the BOOM “Tommy T.” droped at the Rally it is all over fot the PLP.
    I don’t listen to Tommy much, but last night he was on his political game.
    Tommy T. dod some damage for YOUNG Ryan Pinder last night. I would be very suprise if the PLP wins this one.
    It is hard to except that BP & The Tribune was wrong in their predictions.

  2. FutureLeader, i do expect Ryan Pinder to win, but not by the margins that these straw polls suggest. Ryan Pinder will not get 60% of the vote in Lizzy. It will be a lot closer than that.

  3. BP, I am sure that you are NOT BIAS in your reporting or findings, therefore, can you please confirm the following for me: 1) When did Leo Ryan Pinder give up his US Citizenship; 2) How long was Leo Ryan Pinder registered to vote in The Bahamas; 3) Is Leo Ryan Pinder registered to vote in Broward County?, If yes, when was the last time he voted in this county? 4) How many elections have Leo Ryan Pinder voted in?

    • You are so jokey, my dear but thanks for the truth as  by now you realise that Nassau has totally returned to the PLP.Thats trouble for the Govt  as there is no way for them to now govern.A fresh mandate must be obtained as the country feels betrayed by untested leadership and unsteady hands.

  4. Well altec I can’t wait to confront you and those that think like you tomorrow.

  5. Dont get me wrong I think Ryan Pinder is going to win but Im predicting its going to very close. BP must realize the problems with these polls. For one BP poll had a SIGNIFICANT Number of votes for the PLP where as everything else is more CLOSER and if you ask me more realistic. Also Half of these people who are so called Voting for BDM and Workers party wont actually vote that way and will lean more on the FNM if you ask me. But I do think Ryan is going to win and I fully endorse Dr. Rollins as my candidate for this election period.

  6. BP to be honest, this poll like the Tribune’s and ZNS’s poll are just a straw polls. They are not scientific polls and should be taken with a grain of salt.

    I cant wait until tomorrow night!

  7. It seems the debate has sparked quit some interest in Dr. Rollins. Also interesting that Mr. Moncour is now ahead of Mr. Stuart.

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