BP has confirmed Wayne Munroe is to get the nomination in Freetown and Cheryl Bazard in St. Barnabas as the PLP gets ready to close its list of candidates!


Now why ya think dey want Bazard? What is dat about?

Wayne Munroe and Cheryl Bazard

Nassau, Bahamas – Bahamas Press can now report that the PLP has concluded on two of its standard bearers for the upcoming general elections.

BP can confirm the PLP has thrown Frank Smith under the bus as the candidate in the newly constituted Free Town constituency and shall ratify Queen’s Council Wayne Munroe as the candidate. The breaking report just hit BP moments ago.

Munroe is a noted attorney in the country and we at Bahamas Press fa now have nothing ill to say about him. If elected, he perhaps will make a fine MP. But where does that put Frank Smith who fought hard to keep the seat but lost in 2012. Smith is a Senator right now in the Upper House and was a lone voice back in 2012 while in opposition when the PLP needed a voice to row Ingraham. Boy, yall see how the PLP does treat dey own?

We also understand that the new St. Barnabas seat, which is made up of the new boundaries changes, shall be awarded to former Senator Cheryl Bazard. Now this is the same former Senator who in 2014 – early in the game – haul ass out the Upper House to go into the private sector. That didn’t last. Bounced around from bank to bank, seeking employment and now election time ya want ya foot in the door? What is dis!

Bahamas Press wants to put all our generals in the thousands down on the ground on notice – REJECT THE DISRESPECT IN ST. BARNABAS!

We don’t know why the PLP gatta go pick up people with no commitment to the Party and throw dem on people! WHAT IS DIS?!

Anyway, it ain’t long nah…yinner keep gern! Next up? We have new numbers out of Eleuthera and all we say is this: TWINS COMING!

We report yinner decide!