Nassau, Bahamas – We are reporting the attempted murder of a lawyer late last night, who was at his law firm in the Bay Street area.
Bahamas Press can confirm lawyer, Dennis Gomez, of Dennis Gomez & Co. was shot multiple times last evening as he worked out of his East Bay law firm. The motive of this shooting is unknown, but here’s what we know.
Gomez was approached by a gunman who shot the officer of the court five times to the chest and discharged one bullet to the head, which passed through and through.
The horrific crime has left the victim fighting for his chance to life and has left a gripping blow to members of the legal fraternity.
A former associate of the victim told BP, “Crime and the fear thereof is leaving a lasting impression on the country. We are all shocked by this heinous act and call on the powers that be to mobilize all its resources of the State to squash period of blatant horror that has gripped our nation.”
Doctors at this hour tell us the bullets have damaged vital organs in his body; including his heart and lungs. Gomez is listed in serious condition in ICU.
A 19 Year-old Arrested at LPIA with Drugs
Sometime around 6:00 pm on Thursday 20th January, 2011 police arrested a 19 year old female of Millennium Gardens while in the pre -clearance area the LPIA after a quantity of suspected cocaine was found in her suitcase. Police investigations continue.
A 15-year-old shot while walking on Peter Street
Shortly after 12:00 am on Friday 21st January, 2011 police received information of a shooting at Peter Street. Police responded and information received that a 15-year-old male was walking west along west along Peter Street when he was approached by a masked male wearing a black jacket armed with a handgun, who shot him to the thigh. The victim was taken to hospital via EMS personnel where he is detained in stable condition. Police are investigating.
On Tuesday 18 January 2011, during the evening, police officers from the Internal Security Division (ISD) arrested a 19 yr old male in the Soldier Road, Nassau, area for questioning reference to House breaking. He was subsequently questioned by detectives in relation to the murder of a 17year old, which took place on Soldier Road on 22/9/2010. He is charged and will appear in Court shortly.
Sometime around 3:20 pm on Friday 21st January, 2011 police received information of an armed robbery at the Harbour Bay Shopping Plaza, East Bay Street. Police responded and information received that a female was sitting inside her grey 2007 Honda CRV L/P 224854 when she was approached by a male wearing a red shirt, allegedly armed with a handgun. It is reported that the culprit robbed the female of her jeep by forcing her out and fled the area towards Shirley Street. Police are investigating and appealing to members of public who have any information regarding this or any other matter to kindly contact them at police emergency 919, CDU 502-9991, or crime stoppers at 328-TIPS.
Police can confirm that Cost Right, located in the Town Centre Mall was broken into. Sometime around 6:37 am on Friday 21st January, 2011 police received information that the establishment was broken into by some unknown person/s. It is reported that the culprit/s stole a number of electronic appliances and the company’s safe containing an undisclosed amount of cash. Police are investigating.
Sometime around11:00 am on Friday 21st January, 2011 officers of the Central Detective Unit acting on information executed a search warrant on a wrecker place located in the Marathon Road area. Officers searched and recovered numerous car parts including radiators, assorted car doors, windshields, hoods, bumpers etc. Six (6) males were taken into custody.
stop this pray business and fix the problem, are u people not tired of this pray bullshit which helps nothing get up of your ass and lets do what is need to be done to fight crime in this country and stop listening to these fools who only want us to pray these crimes away. we been prayin for six hundred years as black people and we seem to only be getting worse.
well…get serious, it’s people like you that do not believe in the power of prayer that has the country in the state that it is in. when we STOPPED praying, we started CRYING! so i pray that God presents you with a situation to make you get on your hands and knees and then you will see that PRAY is our only answer!
January 24, 2011 6:27 P.M.
Bishop Walter Dixon of Atlanta, GA USA-Prayer and Tribute to Death of Attorney Dennis Gomez of Nassau, Bahamas.
cc: President Barack Obama President of the United States, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox News Media.
Merciful Lord, who art the strength of sufferers and the comfort of those who are heavy of heart: incline thine ear, we beseech thee, to the prayers of all who cry unto thee in their troubles; succor the distressed, uphold the fainting, relieve the suffering, console the sad, and make thy face to shine upon the family of “Dennis Gomez” especially his wife Jeannie Weech Gomez.
O lord, thou lover of souls whose wisdom is beyond our understanding, surround the family of our beloved brother in “Christ” Dennis Gomez with your love, that they may not be overwhelmed by their sorrows but have confidence in your goodness, and strength to meet the days to come.
May our Lord Jesus Christ be near the family to defend them, within them to refresh them around them to preserve them, before them to guide them, behind them to justify them, above them to bless them, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost. His soul is bound up in ours forever Lord.
We see him now with the eyes of memory, his faults forgiven, and his virtues grown larger. So does goodness live and weakness fade from sight. We remember him with gratitude and bless his name. His memory is a blessing for ever. We remember as well the fallen one who but yesterday was part of our community. To all who cared for him and labored for all people we pay tribute.
May we prove worthy of carrying on the tradition of our faith for the task is now his family. His soul is bound up in all of ours forever Lord. We give you thanks that he now live and reign with you. As a great crowd of witnesses, he surrounds us with his blessings, and offers your humbleness of praise and prayers.
That he are alive for ever more in your kingdom. Let us remember and thank God whom we worship for making us your children by grace and for sustaining us with the bread of life: We thank you, Lord. For your presence wherever we have gathered: We thank you, Lord. For the pardon of our sins, especially when Christians have been born again Christians, who restores us to the fellowship of your faithful people, the saints:
We thank you Lord for the faith of all who have gone before us, thru their encouragement to their families: Father with this I spread my hand to thee asking you through your son “Jesus Christ” to comfort all souls and help mend all hearts that are in mourning of this great loss. Lord as I stress my hand to thee, knowing our brother in “Christ” Dennis Gomez like so many ahead of him gone to soon.
To our sister in “Christ” Nickey Bethel our prayers are with you.
Bishop Walter Dixon
Forgiveness Missionary Church of Christ
P.O. Box 832161
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
(24) Hours Prayer Request Line 678.667.0090
ps. I have posted this tribute and prayer on Face Book, Google, MySpace, Twitter, Yahoo and You Tube for others to join in prayer.
Am very troubled and despondent as someone from my generation is now a victim of the troubling Crime problem.Its time for prayers as my mind is wandering and wanting revenge but ,”vengeance is mine saith the Lord”.I therefore shall read books and stay off making any more commentary until Dennis is interred.Rest in peace my friend.
The increase in the murder rate seems to be a simple thing and yet with each life taken there is a world unknown to many that benefits. How cold are they who are a part of it. They appear to be human on the surface yet on the inside they are so engrossed in rituals of darkness . The ruling demonic prince over Nassau and the Bahamas laughs at and mocks the ignorance of those who are yet to see what is happening right before them. The level of blood sacrifice for power in the Bahamas has gone to another level. This hit was a direct act in the occultic embrace of those in high places who require innocent blood to continue their vengence and maintain their positions. Sounds too barbaric to even speak and yet this is the hour of Bahamian history where human sacrifice has become an in thing, much to the denial of those who are unaware of what spiritual wars have been waging and raging to keep satanic ties all over the Bahamas. The time for playing church is over. May all of those engaged and used by the destroyer find themselves openly abased. If you do not believe that there is a GOD you will see things in 2011 which openly declares HIS Sovereignty in THE BAHAMAS.
i am saddened to see the direction the country is heading!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to come together and weed out these scums that plague our land which our children have to live!!!!!! i do not say to become vigilantes but what you may hear, see, and believe to have an adverse affect pls tell the relevant authority!!!!!!! let us work together to bring our country back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is dead. Sad.
It is indeed very sad that Dennis Gomez has died. May his soul rest in peace. Sad to say but our Bahamas has become like the wild wild west. The Government appears to surrendered. The first obligation of a Government is to maintain peace and good order. Hubert and his Cabinet are hopeless and vision-less. Who will it be next???
I agree with Russell Johnson; no way that this was a random act, despite your attempt at spin. Gomez was targeted. As a member of the Media, your job is to try and find out why.
It is amazing that Gomez is alive, given that vital organs were hit. Lawyers it seems, are hard to kill.
The matter with Lawyer Gomez sounds like a hit and we should be reminded of the incident involving Lawyer Ferrira that took place as few months ago.The Chief Justice was correct when he urged lawyers to start cooperating so that the system can function efficiently.Brutality of this magnitude must be addressed by all stakeholders as its the only we will win this crime fight.
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