BP LIVE REPORT >>> Lock ya WiFi or face trouble!


Nassau, Bahamas – A young family in southern New Providence is having trouble getting young thugs out of their apartment yard as they continue to congregate, stealing wifi.

A report has been logged in the South Beach police station, however the family appears helpless that anything can be done.

What is even more chilling is the fact that two of the vagrants are fitted with the ICS fashionable ankle bracelet and are said to continuously harass persons walking near to the residence.

But what is more interesting is the fact that the place where they young criminals congregate is not where the free internet signal is emanating from.

Neighbours, however, have finally tracked down the home emitting the free wifi and have asked the homeowner to please lock their signals off.

BP believes households must begin to look out for each other and crack down early on these incidents where idle hands with bracelets on feet congregate. Because, before you know it, you cannot get into your own damn driveway.

We report yinner decide!