Boyfriend drove young 22-year-old woman out to Adelaide and violently ended her life


Twenty-two year old Shande Sharee Cartwright

Adelaide, New Providence — With Sherlock’s special hat and white investigative gloves on, Bahamas Press once again had begun probing another murder scene in the quiet community of Adelaide WHEN WE SMELT A RAT!

Bahamas Press salutes Commissioner of Police, Ellison Greenslade, and the fine men and women of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

We can confirm the ex-boyfriend of Shande Cartwright has confessed to killing his former girlfriend on Adelaide Beach. The incident shocked the community when residents awoke to a concocted story that a gang had attacked the couple while parked in the desolate area.

The young 22-year old mother of two was left to die yesterday. Bahamas Press has gone deep into these investigations and from what we now know paints a shocking picture of rage and anger.

A close relative told BP, “Shandy didn’t deserve to die this way, she had recently left her boyfriend who is also the father of her two children.” Her baby girl we are told is still in diapers.

“The relationship between the RBC employee and her now confessed killer was a rocky one. There were consistent fights between the couple after the birth of her last child girl; Shandy could not take it anymore.

“She had left him and had decided to go through life alone, but the guy would not let her go.”

Further investigations reveal, the ex-boyfriend now confessed killer, requested to see  his former lover for a conversation and is alleged to have taken her  into the outskirts of Adelaide on the“The Farm” section better known as “lover’s lane”. It was there where EMS personnel discovered her lifeless body fatally stabbed.

COP of Police, Ellison Greenslade.

According to the confessed killer, he then drove himself to the hospital following the incident and crafted the story now circulated in the WUTLESS MEDIA.

The shocking news of the killer’s confession we are told have left the community of Long Island, the birthplace of Shandy, a washed in tears. One Long Islander told BP, “This is just so disgusting, why would a man  kill and dispose the mother of his children in this way? What kind of animal is this we are breathing in the Bahamas?”

At first hearing of the incident BP can confirm, drawing on his international skills, Police Commissioner Greenslade ordered a further in-depth look at the case and went out to investigate the crime scene first hand.

Police Commissioner told reporters yesterday, he is very pleased with the progress made in this latest investigation and confirmed late last night that a man, who was already in police custody, will be arraigned for the murder of the young mother.

Bahamas Press once again salutes the fine leadership of the Royal Bahamas Police Force, particularly COP Ellison Greenslade, who has taken charge of the crime problem now festering in the country and has decided to take a bitter bite out of the vexing problem.


  1. I didnt know Shandi Cartwright, but my Heart goes out to her family and her loving two kids, when I heard about this on the news it was so sad and hurtful, I give a big Condolences out to the Family of Shandi Cartwright, and May the Blood of Our Father Arms keeps the mother of Shandi Cartwright warm with comfort at all times. Father just help her Family thru this…….. because its going to be some major healing needed to help the Family heal there broken heart….but the Lord keeps and protects…. so no tears no worries Shandi Cartwright is in a better place and with a Great God of Mighty……

    May the Family stay Blessed….Love…I’m not a Family friend, but I am a concerned person. and just wanted to share some love….and a little comfort.

  2. Shande, we miss you. You said that God chose you to touch people’s lives and you have already done so. We will take time to grieve but we will also think about the wonderful memories we have, no one can take that away from us. Bahamian Idol (smile), we had so much fun! I looked like a crazy person when the show aired, but I didnt care……you were my little cousin. I admire your enthusiasm, confidence and optimism. I rather think about the 22 years of your life and not the last few minutes. I know you were at peace….I know that because that’s who you are. I can go on about what I think happened and ask why did it happen but that will not change anything. I pray that JUSTICE is served, I pray that the murderer asks the Lord above for forgiveness, I pray that our family continues with no remorse in our hearts. Her children will be OK because the strength and courage of her family is an amazing one. Shande, when the time is right, your story will be told, that is my promise to you!!! Your children will be OK, your family will be OK…..Until we meet again, MUAHH

  3. I am listening to Shande sing and am in tears. It breaks my heart to hear such sad news, and would like to send my condolences out to her family, especially to her mother and kids.
    Seems from her music that she is chose songs that relate to her pain she was experiencing with her father of her children. Senseless killing.

  4. No Bail, No Bail and No death row just sick and tired supporting murders and rapist sitting on death row because whether you realize it or not we the people are providing a HOtel for these people FREE of charge!!

  5. When i lost my Nephew, who were like my son, to a senseless murder. I was as angry as hell. Ain’t no one could have changed my heart to that Person. I wanted to give him the same treatment or worse, but God said to me my Child I am the Judge,why are you worrying, fret not for Justice will be served.Mom i feel your pain. I feel it more that 2 Children will grow in this world with out a Mother and a Father.
    I put this before the Bahamas Government- we need an outreach Program for Children and Parents who have suffered lost to the hands of a criminal. Its a must, we have to, we need it. Am Praying for you and your Family Mom. For your Grand Children. That God will Strengthen you through it all. May the Soul of Shandy Cartwright Rest In Eternal Peace.

  6. For a long time now we have known that Bahamian men cannot deal with rejection. If you go out now days and you see a fella rejected by a girl it becomes a big scene. These fellas start calling women all kinds of names and insults because they feel embarrassed. Then if they get the chance to date them the women become possessions to them. Go in any club or dance the girl can’t even move to get a drink and the nigga gets jealous. We need to get our emotions in check.

  7. “Yea,though I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil: for thou art with me”,I am almost sure these were the words that came into Shande’s mind when she jumped into that vehicle.God had already prepared her for what was to be. My condolences to the Cartwright family. R.I.P. Shande you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

  8. This is truly a sad day when a young man feels that because I can’t have you then nobody else could and resorted to murder. Then wasn’t man enough to admit to the crime and lied about doing it. They need to throw away the key on him.Young women please be careful when trying to end a relationship.Once in your heart you feel that the relationship is truly over, there is NO reason for you to ever entertain any type of private meetings with the other person, because I’m sure you’ve had many of them in the past. If he wants to discuss the kids then you please make sure that there are other people around. They will ALWAYS use the kids to get to you. We need to pray for our nation and may God be with Shande’s family and friends at this time of bereavement. May angels always be with her 2 kids.

  9. My sincerest sympathy to he Cartwright family and the children of this talented young woman who was taken from this life so violently. May her soul rest in peace.

    • What sicks me is this, how in the hell in the future this man ga explain to his young daughter he killed correction slaughtered her mother. MY lord the trauma!

  10. This was so sad. I never met Shande, but from her links to songs and words from friends, I actually felt like I knew her. While hanging will never bring her back and never ease the pain of her kids and family, it has to be a precedent. We as the Bahamian people HAVE to step in and make a stand. He who feels it knows it. It seems as though these men and women find the prison as a hotel. They fear nothing. We need to come together as a nation and say NO MORE! I am not a christian, but where are the churches in our communities? We only hear from them when they want to raise money for their pockets so that the HIGH people can live in their mansions and drive nice cars. Come on Bahamas. I am tired of being afraid for my babies and for my family. Enough is enough!

  11. I don’t care what anyone says……we need hanging!

    We are too soft with these dangerous and violent criminals who don’t give a shi*t about human life.

    I say “a life for a life”! Time to dust off the gallows and bring out the cat!

    Nuff said……I am flippin’ fed up and mad!!

  12. This is sooooooo sad. All i can think about is her children, that one day they will hear this horrible story of why there mother is not here with them.

  13. RIP Shande….i remember our high school days you were always full of life… you’re gone but we’ll never forget you! am so glad you accepted christ before this heinous offense was committed against you! no amount of tears can bring you back but i hope you resting well in th bossom of our Creator.

  14. I do not know the victim eventhough we share our last name however, if this ex-bf is the cold-hearted murderer I suggest he be hung or even better, stoned!
    We can’t allow persons to get away with killing our young women. Next, they would be killing our children! F.N.M and P.L.P need to work together and combat this crime instead of scapegoating each other. They supposed to be leaders, uplifting the nation but, I guess they can’t uplift the nation if they are not uplifting themselves.
    Hang his behind in front of the House of Parliment on national tv. Set an example.

    Deepest sympathy to the entire Cartwright family. I encourage everyone to help with the upbringing of those kids so that they may be directed in the right bad and make wiser decision than those before them.

  15. Please lets stop praising the “Royal” Bahamas Police Force because if the man that killed her did not confess the police would still be trying to find out who the gang of men were and case would have never been resolved. Thank God that he confessed now it is up to the Judge if justice will be served.

    • I do believe his confession came about as a result of good detective work on the part of the Royal Bahamas Police Force. It is unlikely that he just decided to confess. That came after some very hard questions that he would have had to answer after the evidence was examined my friend. Hats off to the men and women of the RBPF, now it is up to the courts and the legal system to not fail this family.

      • Smith you think we checking for what some a them say on here eh? Had COP Greenslade not went out at Adelaide himself and began combing the facts himself, you think that boyfriend was going to get arrested? HELL NO! He already had all the media and initial detectives looking for some gang; an imagination in his head.

        He was going to be on the next flight smoking back to Buckley’s Long Island after they bandage up his hand. But ya know something about Greenslade; THE MAN IS WELL TRAINED IN POLICING!


  16. BP is this headline accurate? I read the Tribune a moment ago and it appears as though the boyfriend was also a victim of an attack. Did he do it? Or were they attacked as it reads in the Tribune? Clarify this please so that people don’t get the wrong impression.

      • FINALLY, a news media that speaks the TRUTH!!!!!!!! I knew from the beginning that he did it and I Just knew the truth would come to surface. I am cousin to the victim, and I am still in shock over this ****. I’m just happy that he has come clean and now Shande will get the justice she deserves. As for her kids, they are already surrounded by LOVE and will even more now have the love of our entire family!! RIP CUZ. We love u!!

      • BP reported the same thing that was reported in the Tribune, but BP has the benefit of 24hrs updates. No doubt the new developments will be reported in the daily news tomorrow. The original story sounded fishy to me too. I hope this guy rots in gaol.


  18. Abby you are absolutely right , what drives our young decent girls to hook up with these losers,if she didnt want him anymore,take it like a man move on,that gives him no right to kill even he suspects her of going with someonelse he doesnt have the right to harm her,i hope they put his ass in jail and let him rot.

  19. This is very disturbing and tragic… I have only known Shande for a very brief period of time and she definately didn’t deserve this… Her murder was cold and calculated and he deserves pain beyond measure.
    Shande was a young beautiful talented mother…
    My condolences goes out to her family and friends.

  20. This is really sad. I watched a few of her utube vidoes and she seem like someone full of life and who had alot of potential. My heart goes out to her children who have now lost both parents. May her soul R.I.P.
    I hope this is were we as a Nation Stand together and start HANGING because if you take a life then you are not worthy of yours.

  21. This Beautiful,loveable young lady did not deserve to die this way. He really need to get the full penalty for this crime. This Nation is crime-rotting. We need to pray unceasingly.

  22. This is really sad. I watched a few of her utube vidoes and she seem like someone full of life and who had alot of potential. My heart goes out to her children who have now lost both parents. May her soul R.I.P.

  23. How very sad! I don’t know the victim, but my heart bleeds for her children and family. Nothing will bring her back, but I truly wish her death could make young girls take notice! What drives so many of our young girls into relationships with losers? The first thing they do is have a baby to seal the deal! Wake up girls! Make sure that fella is deserving of you! Take your time and learn to love YOU first!

  24. I forgot to add how terrified she mustve been thinking she was going to talk with him. And then just being stabbed. I always think stabbing is one of the worst ways to die. That and being pushed off a building. That boy has to have mental problems. The babies are now parentless. She was so young. I just don’t know what else to say to these senseless murders everyday on this island. No one has no morals or conscience any more. They just don’t care. Lord, the parents aren’t putting sense into their heads anymore. I pray maybe You somehow can. I know you gave everyone a choice, but I just ask that you bring a Divine Intervention to this lawless nation. RIP Shande.

    • this is shande’s mother he isnt physco she lefted him becuz he was abusive& two months & 3 days later he killed her now her children has to grow up without her,it breaks my heart

  25. This is just sad. It is even sadder to me because of the crime problem, it seems to be a different breed of killer beginning in the Bahamas. One that takes their victim out, kills him/her, then stabs or harms himself (obviously what he did) to make it look like someone else did. I usually hear about an elaborate cover up in foreign murders (US, Europe, etc). I wonder if anyone realizes this and agrees?
    I really do agree with BP though on commending the police on sensing something wasn’t right, whatever the clue (s) was. To be honest, they’ve shocked me with their good detective/forensic skills. Keep it up. I think a lot of killers are getting smarter and will try to manipulate evidence.

  26. Shande was a hard working and loving mother……..she loved her kids……her baby boy just turned one and now they are without a mother and a father!!!! please pray for her mother,children and our family!!!

  27. Shande seemed like a beautiful person and was very talented. This is such a tragedy and I pray that God strengthens her entire family at this difficult time. This serves as a reminder that we all have to be so careful of who we allow into our lives. May her sould rest in peace.

  28. Ladies and gentlemen,

    For the luv of Heaven, if someone does not want to be with you, no matter the reason, let them alone! You meet them with their things! It does not belong to you! You have your own tings! I was once advised by an experienced person to commit to the one who loves you, and not the one you love, if you know what is good for you….

  29. That son of a *****! sighhh…. RIP Shandi….i kno u won’t ever stop watchin over the babies….I wont even say what i really think about him on these people website…GOD will deal with this!

  30. Tears and blood are running through my Bahamaland. The blood of the innocent and the tears of the families trying to mend their broken hearts.This is becoming to unbearable, how much more blood shed have to run through the streets before something is done. May her soul R.I.P(tears….)

  31. BP, tomorrow is to be observed as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Please urge your readers, especially women, to honour Shande and other victims by participating in the Wear Purple Campaign which is one of the initiatives to mark 16 days of activism being celebrated in countries worldwide.

  32. BP the tribute/ youtube video of the young lady is touching. I don’t know her and I cried. No BAIL NO BAIL for this murderer. Forget the privy council, if they take a life take theirs.

  33. Wow…..Oh My God! Thank You Lord, that You are always in control, BE IT GOOD, BAD OR UGLY. I love you Lord and please do not take your holy spirit away from me.

    My fellow Bahamians God is truly calling us to repentance. Tragedy will even strike in uncommon ways. We must repent people and turn from our wicked ways, then our Father which art in Heaven will heal our land. While He is merciful, he is also a God of WRATH. Let’s not provoke Him to anger. REPENT IS THE MESSAGE FOR THE NATION IN THIS SEASON! ! REPENT!!!!

    • Didn’t read this portion before I wrote…..this is really sad, now he truly deserves to die hard. So how did he get stabbed wounds on himself?…….he has to be crazy……you think he did this to himself. Gee he must be an animal. Can’t imagin what the lady went through before dieing. My prayers are with her family and I pray she had an opportunity to make it right with her maker. I feel she did. May her soul rest in peace.

      • This is her mother & i am happy to say that she has accepted the lord as her saviour,it was just november 13th where she attended the funeral of her cousin & sing “The battle is not yours its the lords by Yolanda Evans,i have never heard my baby sing more beautiful shortly after there was an alter cald GOD choose her & she immediately responded to his calling with her hands lifted towards heaven i heard her cried out “THANK YOU JESUS THANK YOU JESUS,PLEASE TAKE CARE MY CHILDREN & MY FAMILY.and when the church service ended & we were headed to the car she said to me mommy GOD just choose me for a purpose that purpose is to touch the lives of many,i replied to her & you answered to his call & very happy…TO MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER& BESTFRIEND MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE.LOVE YOU BABY.

        • Mrs. Cartwright,

          I got to know Shande a few months ago and she is a very sweet young lady – I will miss her terribly – My prayers are with you and your family May the Light of God Surround you all and protect you and help you all during this tragic time – R.I.P. Shande/

        • Mary, your comments brought tears to my eyes. God’s timing is perfect.

          May he comfort you with the comfort only He can give.

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