BP just noticed something. When last yinner see Whitney Heastie the CEO of Bahamas Power and Light?
Well we have the grits for you. So BP has been reliably informed by sources deep in the basement of BPL that Heastie has been SMITED with the COVID-19 virus and he has gone out of his head.
His house keeper heard him talking to himself in his bedroom where he is quarantined. The housekeeper peeped in the room and saw the BPL CEO naked as the day he was born, swinging the little junk he has, while standing in the front of a mirror screaming, “Smite me oh great smiter!! Smite me!!”
The maid eased the door back, closed it and left Heastie to his own devices.
Whats even more interesting, Heastie’s alleged sweetie, EVIL Missick the HR Director has also been smitten with the virus.
Now BP could count good and always believe in adding one and two together ’cause it always sums up to three.
If Heastie gats da COVID and EVIL Missick gats da COVID thats one plus two which equals three.
Definitely they were canoodling together and end up catching da COVID together.
God dont sleep! The same Heastie who would rather watch BPL staff drop down dead than let them work from home, has contracted the deadly COVID 19 Delta virus.
The head of the Freeport Cartel and his concubine has added one and two and become three.
What in da hell is dis?
Avoid Heastie! He has COVID! Vote these bastards out!!
We report! Yinner decide!