BP's Midweek Entertaiment – Bahamas, Where you're Going To?


The VICTIMIZED WORKERHere’s an actor singer who brought the world in 1975 the theme song in a movie, ‘Mahogony’, “Do you know where you’re going to..” Diana Ross was a world star. She climbed every chart as she asked the world this simple question.

Her song became an anthem of many graduation events here in the country, particularly those held at the Government High School. It pricked our minds to look into the future to open itself to the unknown. It is true in the words of Solomon, that there is nothing new under the sun. Almost 35 years later and we here in The Bahamas are asking this very same question Diana asked us.

Our judiciary sits  paralysed in corruption, allowing criminals to walk free even after committing murder! Our institutions are on the decline, void of new ideas. Our people are becoming slaves in a land once prosperous and promising. Our children are educated but unemployed. And our political leaders [Ingraham and Christie] lend NO PROMISE of HOPE to us the people.

We need CHANGE BAHAMAS and today Bahamas Press puts the questions to you the thousands who have an eye for your country, “DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU’RE GOING TO?”


  1. You are so right Kim Sands we are to cherish each moments that we have together.Life is short so let us live it to the fullest,with GOD in control.

  2. This is such a lovely song. That is a question I am faced with almost everyday, but I try not to allow it to overwhelm me, by telling myself that the next second is not promise to anyone. All we can do is cherish each other and enjoy the time that we have together.