Bradley B Roberts responds to Michael Pintard dishonest diatribe


PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts
PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts

By Bradley Roberts, National Chairman, PLP

Nassau, Bahamas – The following is a statement by Bradley B. Roberts, National Chairman Progressive Liberal Party:

Serial loser Senator Pintard has a problem with my past interest in the Beer, Wines and Spirits Industry – one in which I became the President of the largest company at the age of 29. We sold our interest over 9 years. The FNM member for Central Grand Bahama the Hon. Neko Grant was also a senior executive of the Company and served as Vice President of the Grand Bahama operations for many years. His former Deputy Leader Brent Symonette has an economic interest in a liquor company.

Further, it was the FNM admiration who directed the National Insurance Board to purchase a major block of share in Commonwealth Brewery public offering. There was not a peep or objection from Pintard. Could political convenience and intellectual dishonesty be the reasons for Mr. Pintard’s silence?

Pintard has borrowed from Hubert Ingraham’s tired and worn out playbook on Bradley Roberts.

The Progressive Liberal Party is the only political party that I have held membership with. Further, I was proud to carry the PLP’s banner in the Shirlea Constituency in the 1977 general election against former Premier Sir Roland T. Symonette who at the time was one of the richest Bahamians but I never raised as an issue about his sizable wealth.

It is apparent that Pintard is unable to remember that it was the dissident eight of the PLP who forged an amalgamation with remnants of the United Bahamian Party (UBP) and embraced the name of the Free National Movement. I publicly challenge Pintard to access to the records of the UBP and produce evidence of my membership in that political organization or the FNM and to share same with the public. It is worthy of note that it has been the UBP arm of the FNM who have been and still are the major financial contributors yet Pintard seemingly has a deep grave concern of them.

I am proud of my 25 year record as the representative for Grants Town and the later Bain Town constituency. The record clearly showed that my constituents were happy with my hands on representation and were unhappy over my decision to retire. My close friendship with the good people of Bain and Grants Town continues to this day.

If Pintard feels he can provide better representation in Centerville or Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador, I strongly encourage him to get his party’s nomination which would be easy for either of those constituencies and let the chips fall where they may, but I seriously doubt that he will because his heart is dead set on the Central Grand Bahama seat currently held by his Parliamentary colleague the Hon. Neko Grant whom he is unhappy with.

I have often said that I had no interest in being a Cabinet Minister and was happy to play a leading role as a back bencher. I joined in 2002 at the invitation of Prime Minister Christie and my record as Minister of Works and Utilities speaks for itself.

Finally, for the edification of Senator Pintard, I am a product of Bahamianization and proud of it. I was empowered as a young Bahamian who took full advantage of the opportunities, legitimately amassing a measure of wealth from many years of hard work, long work days and personal sacrifices. Those who know will tell you that I am fully capable of writing my press statements over these many years.

This dinosaur has a damn good memory and continues to keep excellent records and will continue to bite.