Bradley Roberts calls Loretta Butler Turner a Damn Liar!


Butler-Turner misleads Bahamians on Bimini

Loretta Butler-Turner - Lying with dry eyes.

Bradley B Roberts/ Progressive Liberal Party

The reported tirade by the Deputy Leader of the FNM about Bimini and the Resorts World project is both disgraceful and inaccurate.

Her tone and tenor about the project lacked grace and was unseemly for a leader. In light of the challenging economic conditions, this project ushered in a new era of prosperity for Bimini and both the government and the investors were appreciative of the successful tripartite partnership and were happy for the people of Bimini.

Butler-Turner on the other hand was a busy body in the press posturing, stirring up mischief and willfully spewing out untruths about the project for purely political gain.

The fact of the matter is that the number of rental rooms of not less than 200 was written into the original Heads of Agreement and approved by the former government of which Mrs. Butler-Turner served as a cabinet Minister. She ought to know that the property currently has about 580 rooms in its rental pool and over 300 rooms in its “hotel” program so why is she willfully misleading the public?

Presently the new Casino employs 184 employees and all but 9 are Bahamians with an additional 16 Bahamians to be hired in the next 45 days.

There are over 100 full time Bahamian workers at the resort with more to be hired in the next 60 days so any Biminite who wants a job and is willing to work can have one.

PLP Chairman, Bradley Roberts

Further, all new local ground and water taxi transportation vehicles are being given to Biminites, as directed by the Government, to present franchise holders, and Resorts World is financing the acquisition of all such new vehicles and the list goes on.

I understand Mrs. Butler-Turner frustrations and jealousy because the FNM government was unable to get one single project of note off the ground or attract one new investment of note in five years. Notwithstanding that, she should be happy for the people of Bimini and gracious with the success of the current government in such a short period of time.

While we do not live in a perfect world and only heaven is perfect, I can say without fear of contradiction that the people of Bimini are much better off now than under the watch of Butler-Turner and the FNM.

The public is advised that the Christie administration is sensitive to the needs of Biminites and has taken the necessary steps to ensure that there is an equitable and harmonious co-existence between the developers and Bahamians. The PLP applauds the government for this successful tripartite relationship and the success of its economic policies generally.