Branville McCartney has officially tendered his resignation from the Cabinet of the Bahamas.


mccartneybranvilleNassau, Bahamas — Breaking News now coming into Bahamas Press confirm Junior Minister of Immigration and MP for Bamboo Town Hon. Branville McCartney has officially tendered his resignation form the Cabinet of the Bahamas.

Bahamas Press will give you the full details on this breaking story in a few minutes from now.

In a rapid response Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham has sent to the follow to BP:

Statement by
Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham
Prime Minister
28 February 2010

Resignation of Hon. Branville McCartney

The Hon. W. A. Branville McCartney, Minister of State for Immigration, today informed me by letter of his resignation from the Cabinet.  Mr. McCartney was also kind enough to share with me a copy of a press release he intends to issue with regard to his resignation.

While the resignation of a Minister or Minister of State is always regrettable, I cannot say that I am completely surprised by Mr. McCartney’s decision.  hubert-11

Each of us in politics are bound to follow what we believe to be the best course of action in the interest of the people we are privileged to represent and in accordance with our own convictions and perceptions at any given time.  I have no doubt that Mr. McCartney, as he indicates, has given serious consideration to the action he has taken.

I regret that in the forefront of his considerations leading to this decision are, as he put it, “my feelings of stagnation and the inability to fully utilize my political potential at this time”.  I should only like to remind him of what he himself says in his press release, which is “that in life nothing comes before its time”.

I thank Mr. McCartney for his service to the Bahamian people and to my Government.  My colleagues and I look forward to working closely with him in the best interest of the people of the Bamboo Town Constituency and the country as a whole.


  1. After doing a bit of a research I found out that Hubert Ingraham saw this coming for weeks now and over the weekend Branville McCartney gave Mr. Ingraham a copy of his resignation letter to REVIEW.  Also to everyone whose saying this and that well I just wont count out Ingraham yet. Hes a very good manipulator I just wont be surprise if he planned all of this because The FNM is in a strew in 2012 if they Have Tommy Turnquest leading the ticket again or/and Brent Symonette leading the ticket. Ingraham cant really do whatever he please because Brent Symonette has all of the FNM’s money. Never upset the Investors….

    • you opportunistic P L Ps !! just waiting to capitalize politically from this decision by branville, well reality check you weak links, branville is still an F N M. and he aint going nowhere. Maybe you guys should go look for malcolm adderley, W-E-L-L-L maybe not. you bums.

      • Stop fretting and get your house in order as Brans feet are out of the door.Any political party takes advantage of slipup of their opponent as the PLP have lost two to the FNM.And stop being so insulting as the PLP is the next Govt of the Bahamas.Take your licks like a man its a done deal..

  2. BP, i have been on radio silence for a couple of months but this story is something that you are right agbout. It was blowing in the wind since last year October when Bran had his state of the constituency meeting and Papa got mad, call FNM council meeting the same night just to mess with him. THat was the same council meeting where Hubert call Bran to get rid of Tommy’s consultants who came in town to see if Tommy could be leader.

    The walls are falling down on Hubert’s house of cards and he ran into a pitbull who don’t like being treated like a  poodle. I support the PLP, everybody know that, but I will tell you that PLPs respect and like men like Branville. What they tried to do to him is terrible. I understand that same cabinet meeting where he buck Vincent Peet gal and him and brent and Papa gave three different answers, they spent almost an hour in there trying to tear Branville up.

    All those yes men are a bunch of spineless sissies who think that nodding to whatever Papa says is the way to go. Pretty Boy McCartney earned his respect the hard way and it look like Bamboo town have another hard head independent man representing it. Hubert had to deal with Tenny just like this too and you remember the result of the following elections? FNM got blow out and this lap, same ting.

    Now Tommy talking bout leader? Not in this lifetime.

  3. 10/10 the BIBLE 10.PAPA going crazy and he dont even know it.The FNM better vote him out as party Leader as a resolution in the HOA could wipe all of them out b4 2012.Am I surprised?no.You could see the signs in the body language of Bran weeks ago. The last FNM who could have taken PAPA out was Allen but he hesitated and he got taken out.Your move Bran and dont hesitate.PAPA is wounded and very dangerous right now and could do anything.Just look at his response to Brans resignation.PAPA has pissed off many persons and a vote of no confidence should be imminent.

  4. Branville the word of God says that your gift will make room for you…..just stay focused…..remember that no weapon that’s formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that raise up against you  in judgement shall be condemed.

  5. I hope HAI now realises that the group of FNM MPS are men not boys . It is my understanding that he is very disrespectful to all of them.

  6. Well well well what do we have here an FNM with the testicular fortitude to stand up to Papa Doc Ingraham good job Bran you are the real man….I heard about this before it happen and it came as know surprise to me.  Be encourage Bran there is a group of real man in this country and we will rid this country of all the evil despots that want to hold us back….today you took one step back and will leap straight forward as one day the Prime Minister of the Bahamas this is just your coming out party….and the demise of the FNM under the ugly rule of HAI

  7. They say that the number seven (7) is the prime minister’s favourite number.Well minister remember that your father SIR LYNDEN OSCAR PINDLING’S favourite number was TEN(10).This year is the TENTH anniversay of sir Lynden’s death and mr.Branville sent it his letter of resignation on the 28th(2+8=10)!!!

  8. banville what God, have for you no one can stop that from coming your way. So hold your head up because you are the man you have young people power,papa them don’t have a bran new day they are on there way out so hold your head up high and keep smiling because we got your back bro.

  9. this generation too rude. first paul moss tell christie to get lost now bran resigned. Moral of story: the new generation will not stay around waiting on positions. they want the old leader gone. lets face it; ingraham and christie holding the bahamas back. and while thry are at it clean house in fnm and plp. let earl deveaux, kenneth russel, brent neko, shame gibson, peet money man, bradley and obie all should go 

  10. This is not a surprise because it has been rumored now for weeks that Branville may resign.

    Branville got slap down twice by HI. the first time was after he had that rally in his constituency and the second time was done publicly with the Haitian situation.

    But i done tell yall aint nothing happening for Branville because when HAI steps down, the keys to the car going to Tommy and knowing how spiteful HAI is, he will make it his business that Branville doenst become party leader in his lifetime, lol.

    Dr Minnis is about to get shuffled out the door for no reason at all. He cant be too happy right now either but i dont see him resigning because he is more of a company man then Branville.

    I must say, it has been a bad start to 2010 for HAI so far.

  11. PAPA is a villian and victimizer! boy, us under 50 really gat to roll this older group straight out of this country! none of them want to give us a chance – govt or private sector…WTF man?!!

  12. I told you guys when Perry says “THE DEVIL IS A LIAR”  diabolical organizations begin to crumble…. ” SO GOES HAITI, SO GOES THE FNM”!!!!!~

  13. A story of EGo’s and Legacy this is no suprise as the class clown was promoted over guy smiley………add to that the dressing down he would have recieved for his relentless pr campain.pappa call time on him this is sad as it is representative of the difficulties the younger generation face…One should always practice the addage slowly but surley wins the race……….where will he go now wht will he do?Independant ?join NDPorBDM who joining each other.another one bites the dust least he get chance to resign poor johnley and carl and tommmy too not T haha I can see it mow instead of I Will (FIRE)you! I will HUbert you buey be like the monkey with the shortened tail aint long nah hahaha

  14. this is no suprise and has been rumoured for weeks.  he will stick around, don’t worry about that part.  PAPA, as he likes to be called is taking a good thumping now – economy, subdvision bill (he really pissed the white elite off with that one) elizabeth, malcolm adderley and now this.  hubert minnis should be next but he won’t do it.  yup, this is exactly how Sir Lynden’s political demise began…like erstwhile father, like erstwhile son…keep going PAPA…u in full control!

  15. I saw this coming a long time ago.  Ambition amongst the young does not go unpunished in the FNM.

  16. I am not surprised to learn of this decision; Bran is an individual thinking man, he formulates his own decisions. Further, Bran is no push over. Ingraham, a  new day in Bahamian politics has come…

  17. let me say that it is good that there is atleast one MAN in the FNM who is not afraid to follow his convictions and not just simply fall in line like another school kid. if only others would take such an approach, then we may begin to have a proper functioning democracy.



  20. I am deeply sadden as a young person I truly saw Bran as the next Prime Minister of this country.  I hope his plans are to join the other young men like Dr. Rollins and form a new party to whom young persons like can look to for the change this country need.

  21. BP will tell you why, just stay tuned by 10PM we should explain all. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. One more thing.  Looks like history is now repeating itself.  Ladies & Gentlemen, presenting the next Leader of the PLP…..Hon. Branville McCartney!!

  23. Wow!! that’s a shocker to me.  Sounds like Bran was unable to execute his agenda in accordance with his conscience.  I have plenty respect for him.  Branvilee McCartney has shown himself to be an honourable man.  Respect due!

  24. OMG NO!….. Im so sad now for sure I cant stand Brent Symonette. Wheres Laura when you need her?

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