THE man who claims Prime Minister Ingraham has “NO COMPASSION”–  forcing BP to call Ingraham The “NO COMPASSION MAN”, is now speaking out. BP wonders since LIME is now here and the MOU tabled if Branville McCartney will tell the Bahamian people if he supports the deal.

In a bold move today the PM did just what BP said would happen in the Parliament this week; he tabled the MOU. Now the power of selling the people asset is left to the men and women in the Parliament of forty-one [41]. WHO WILL SIDE WITH THE PEOPLE AND WHO WILL SIDE WITH INGRAHAM? We shall all see in this national show.

What was good was how “NO COMPASSION MAN” called the names of all the people appointed to SELL a NATIONAL ASSET and deliver MISTRUST TO THE PEOPLE!


  1. All I want for the Bahamas is people in government who’re going to look out for the best interest of the Bahamian people and this is what attracts me to Branville McCartney. He always comes across as if he has our best interest at heart and I appreciate him for that. I am sick and tired of these politicians who are willing to sell our birth rights from under us for little or nothing. I am sick and tired of feeling like a third and fourth class citizen in my own country. I am sick and tired of hearing we are not good enough and how we are such a disappointment to our leader. What we need in government are people who believe in this country and its people. We need people with compassion, who are not only going to look out for themselves, their family and friends, but they need to know that we are all in this together. We need persons who are willing to listen and relate to the average Bahamian. Right now, I sticking with Bran, I feel he would be willing to do right by us; I don’t care about no experience, because I believe it will come in time like anything else. Those with experience only jacking things up anyhow. From what I could see the only experience they specializing in are swinging people into letting them live it up, while you and your family can’t find nothing to eat and have to go jobless and homeless on the streets. The hell with experience, send me someone who is willing to look out for me and the average Bahamian.

  2. BP I read the yesterday’s Tribune and buried on page 8 of the local daily was the headlines in bold and all caps was “LARGEST GSY CRUISE SHIP BRINGS 6,000 TO NASSAU” I did not recount or recall any mention of such a large gathering visiting Nassau on the news. With such a large grouping you would think the media would have at least let us know what was going on.

  3. BP I read the yesterday’s Tribune and buried on page 8 of the local daily was the headlines in bold and all caps was “LARGEST GSY CRUISE SHIP BRINGS 6,000 TO NASSAU” I did recount or recall any mention of such a large gathering visiting Nassau on the news. With such a large grouping you woould think the media woud have at least let us know what was going on.

  4. Can someone please tell me what the Hell has Bran done for this country?

    What legislation has he championed?

    What is his signature issue?

    What scars does he carry around for the Bahamian People?

    If he run as an independant, he may win but he will never lead the FNM or the PLP.

    He has zeor (0) support in the FNM. Some of us might have listened to him in the past, but that last move he made, listen here man, “stick a fork in him, he is done”

    Listen man, you need more than a pretty face, you need some moxey.

  5. This is going to be a first time in a long time that someone MIGHT or MIGHT NOT vote based upon party affiliation. We all know Papa flock with follow him and Foes of the PAPA will not. Hubert Ingraham is wrong with the BTC sale but Hes going to let Parliament have a say. I just wish people voted for the best interest of their constituency and not Party.

    • Arent you tired of all the politicians!!?? Would you rather eat old, sour, browning salad or would you have salad that looks fresh and might actually have something new to bring to the table? I think its time the Bahamas had some fresh salad. Too many politicians have had their turn and keep having turns and we get the same old bad tasting salad and a country that is in a bad state!

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