Brave Davis on The Minister of Tourism Dionisio D’Aguilar comments in today’s Nassau Guardian


Statement from the Leader of the Opposition

Opposition Leader Hon. Philip Brave Davis Q.C.
Dionisio J. D’Aguilar

Comments attributed to the Minister of Tourism in today’s Nassau Guardian only validate public sentiments about this Free National Movement administration: they lack the conviction and moral courage to advance the best interests of the Bahamian people. This is a bad deal; it is not in the best interest of Bahamians and the next Progressive Liberal Party administration will cancel it!

Further, Dioniso D’Aguilar has no moral authority or the credibility to characterize my fight for Bahamian empowerment as irresponsible. He sat on the Baha Mar board that led that company into multiple bankruptcies. He personally tried to undermine and sabotage this significant project. His poor decisions on the sale of the Grand Lucayan Resort amounted to a fire sale and a betrayal of the public’s trust with the accompanying giveaway of prime crown land on western Paradise Island.

The Minister of Tourism should apologize to the nation for his insult that Bahamian taxpayers shouldn’t concern themselves about the government losing $30 Million of their money on the sale of that hotel.

In stark contrast, at the core of the next Progressive Liberal Party administration will be the promotion of people-oriented policies – I call that policy ‘economic patriotism.’

As Prime Minister, our administration will meet the high expectations of the Bahamian people to negotiate deals that protect our environment, promote Bahamian ownership, and advance our social and economic interests.
